Starting a new project and here are a start of what I have for concepts.
I'm making a handgun with purpose to shoot something that will sting target, and then the player can get to close range and inject the victim with venom for the kill.
here is a start out reference sheets/inspiration, and sketches of my concept.
I'm liking the middle concept more then the other so far.
Any feedback is greatly appreciated thank you!.

my sketches

MrNinjutsu on Today 01:09 AM
Looking like a real nice design, I'll be keeping a close eye on this one!
Thank you!
Thank you for the feedback
Well I'll see what I can do, but if you have suggestions for specific designs that's also welcome.
Thank you for the feedback.
Thank you!
This Follows more of the derringer idea with the gun being smaller and compact and the two variety of venom darts.
I'm liking the concept with the purple venom more ( oh and color is not permanent its just for identification)
I will Start blocking in a Model tomorrow. Feedback is greatly appreciated.
I'll fix the trigger in in the model
Fixed Concept sheet and Started Hi-poly I'll be posting from start to finish so feedback/suggestions is always welcome of course.
Here is update of the venom gun in hipoly form.
Thank you! The handle got some edge loop issues, so I'm going to fix that soon.
Also, edges are inconsistent.
That grip looks painful to hold and the gunn just looks like a box.
Some of your concepts in the mood board have such awesom inorganic curved shapes, do that. It really exercises your sub-d skills and sticks out on a portfolio.
New Updates on gun. I redid the handle and some stuff.
Thanks for the feedback,
thanks for the feedback!
Heres an update on hipoly. I'm on the process of baking normals onto a lowpoly.
I'm not getting such a good normal bake so if theres any crits or advice that would be greatly appreciated.
NOt sure why there is so much noise on the render.
i think it's covered somewhere in this thread, or check the polycount wiki.
Thank you
Normals fixed? and reapplied to lowpoly
If not, you need to make sure you normals are the same handedness in your baker and your viewer. Also make sure you triangulate your model if you are exporting to anything, programs auto triangulate polys very differently. Also, make sure your smoothing groups are set by your uv islands. There are a few exceptions to this rule, but it is a good start.
Thanks for the feedback.
Yes I'm displaying it in the same program I'm baking it. This is 3dsmax, render. I don't know but i think part of the issue is because I baked AO with normals on,
Here is a fixed render. of Ao applied baked from default material set up.
Sorry another updatle... I forgot to set renders on Catmul-Rom, and Hammersley ,
Base texture,
Feedback please
Thanks for the feedback that is greatly appreciated. I'll make changes on the grip once I've got more time for refining.
I'll refine the model in the future, for now since deadline draw near I just have to texture this for now.
UDK shot
Max Render: