Hi Polycounters!
I've recently been given this art test to complete and I thought I'd make a thread here to gather up invaluable advice like an information vacuum

The image that I am to recreate is this one:
The programs I will be using are
UDK and
Before I start, are there any suggestions on workflow?
How would you go about this, mainly with regards to the rocks?
I haven't done much in the way of rock sculpting in ZBrush (as it was actually on my to do list for my next project) and I'd love your thoughts, Polycount

And asking you to re-create something is a big task, how much time do you have? Are you expected to create everything alone? Ie Shaders for Foliage, for the stream and particle effects?
I would create this using a good tilable texture for the rock. First I'd just kick out a tilable rock texture and apply and start modeling to get the blockout right. Then I'd spend some time creating textures that work well with each other in neutral lighting in UDK (or whatever you use)
Either use terrain + static meshes to get the right feeling OR just do everything with static mesh and blending. For the streams I would look at Skyrim because they have lots like it. Maybe even take a look inside the skyrim mod tool?
The task has been set with the time limit of a week, mainly focussing on terrain first and foremost as it's not the end of the world if the water and trees aren't finished.
I will most likely be using static meshes instead of UDK terrain, so that I can get the area blocked out as fully as possible in Maya.
Thank you for your advice Chris, it has been extremely helpful
It is probably for the best that I delete my first post altogether, but I shall leave some information up so that people can actually make sense of the thread