I have compiled a few photos that are somewhat normal for your guys.
me on thanksgiving this year
me and lady
i dont even remember what image im posting.
me at work
Well, sometimes work gets busy, especially while attending a uni course alongside it. On top of that you have a child, and then you end up looking like this:
But a few days later you fix yourself up, shave, have some fun trying out a new stache, and;
wow this got resurrected? haha i guess ill post a more recent photo of myself. this is at a portal themed halloween party. im the guy with plaid. havnt cut my hair since the first photo i started this thread with.
Haha I love it , so frickin great. Hmm I don't really have a lot of funny ones. I shall leave for the photo-archives immediately!
Gotta love the Pikachu-suit xD Would love to have one myself!
O rly?
Lime green is going to be my new color... always so afraid to try new colors.
This belt is my singular favorite item in my wardrobe. I will cut you like a fish if I even see you looking in the direction of this belt.
im secretly jealous of all the facial hair up in this thread...
Noors yeah. I went to a guitar show and bought the weirdest guitar that i could find. It also plays like a dream and sounds awesome.
my company photo on our work wiki
lookin thru thread an realied we showin pets also!
well, joining the party, this is me
I eventually gave up my job as emperor of china and became a 3D artist...
It was really cool to put some names to faces at the PC meetup at GDC. Can't wait for the next one!
Sir Emperor Elton John
About a year old.
Sexay glass cutter days (1999)
Me with heating Bill
gf with dog
dog lokking at me photographing him after shower(dog got a shower)
Me and my girlfriend. Wish i still had my lobes.
And the day I met John McCormack - absolute legend.
"Do you love me now mama?!"
haha... hands open wide, two phallic objects in your face...
I have compiled a few photos that are somewhat normal for your guys.
me on thanksgiving this year
me and lady
i dont even remember what image im posting.
me at work
But a few days later you fix yourself up, shave, have some fun trying out a new stache, and;
Yusss! lol
Ok.. back to work..
Had to be done guys
I don't think so. In fact it makes him pretty sexy.
Some checky little head scans
Iceland is cold!
Ah my first meet up ...... I'm the one next to you with the Dishonoured T and the Devil Horns XD