Starting today I decided to get back into pencil sketching and bought a sketchbook and some pencils.
This is my first proper drawing in at least five years and also the first time I have used a charcoal pencil.

Now that I finished it all I can see is the problem with the shape of the left side of his head.
This sketchbook was made so that I may get better, so please post any comments/criticism as you see fit.
Also, if any one could point me to any useful learning resources that would be great.
One thing people always tell me is to establish the light source in your picture then go about laying in your shadows and highlights. In you drawing everything is a bit flat minus the hair. Again looking at good reference really helps you here.
Now when it comes to shading with charcoal you could do an additive or subtractive technique. The subtractive Technique is when you lay down a base shade then you extract mid tones and highlights with the eraser forming your image from the background, of course you go back and add shadows. The additive technique is more common where you add the shadows and mid tones from the white of the paper yadda yadda yadda.
Hope this helps! Keep em coming dude, can't wait to see more.
"I tie you to rail road track now. HA HA HA!"
I realize his right shoulder is shorter than his left.