Going for a mace with the Crow Temple theme.
My previous mace used a bound up crows skull as a club, but I soon felt like the Crow's corpse was being used in an undignified way.
Being a temple I'd imagine Crows are more an icon/worshipped creature.
So with that in mind I went about creating a forged Crow's head as the source of contact (I'll get a side view up shortly, it isn't as hard edged like it looks).
Then the rest is decorated at the sides and back with Crow Skulls.
It was also hard trying to avoid a basic tribal look with feathers and skulls, do you think it looks DS2'ish?:I
Any and all crit is welcome:]
Making it seem quite delicate.
So I'm going to tweak it to be more forged based rather than bound materials, will post update soon alongside a side view:]
Good luck!!
Love the crow stuff though.
Thanks for your input guys:]