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Silo -> Mudbox, t-edge errors >.<

So I am attempting to do some practice sculpting before starting on my weapon for the contest, and I made a nice (or I thought it was) model in Silo to pull into mudbox and practice on.

Well, I can't get it to import still, 2 and a half hours after I've started because of these t-edge things. Of course I had no idea what the problem was for most of the time so I just tried to clean up the model a bunch and reimport, however just a bit ago I looked at it in wireframe and saw a bunch of blue edges, which I guess indicate open edges in Silo?

It doesn't seem like I have extra vertices, and merge doesn't seem to work for a damn when 2 points are on top of one another. Any tips?

I guess I should add I built most of the model with the 'create polygon' tool and cutting edges. After I had enough surface detail, I slowly pulled the outermost->inner vertices backwards to give it depth.

edit: turns out, when I extrude an edge off of the initial polygon I created (the blue edge), the blue edge is still there between the ... I should just make a picture.

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