ok, quality bar here is super high but i figured it'll be fun to participate.
not sure what style or weapon to choose yet, i'm trying out different stuff.
here's my today's attempts:
it's all WIP, i'm too tired to finish those designs at the moment.
i find it difficult to mix certain features of DK2 art with my style, for example my hand refuses to draw such thin handles.
i'll work on that tomorrow.
not sure if i'll manage to get a proper model done since i can't sculpt and i'll be using just max+ndo.
Couldn't resist to mix them quick in photoshop to combine special elements I like, hope that's fine with you.
i kinda lost interest in those maker hammers but i guess i'll experiment some more.
in meanwhile, here's my progress:
i definitely wanna color numer 12, as well as 6 and 7. maybe few others as well.
i also started bunch of new concepts, will post them soon.
my suggestion would be to try and concentrate your areas of detail to specific focal points, and mix up the size of your details. Too much small details will make your design look too busy, but if there's small/medium/large details the eye will find the design more appealing. sorry for the long post. keep up the great work!