here goes my list, and i'm sure that i forgot some:
Portal 2
Half life 2
splinter cell 3
splinter cell 2
splinter cell 1
obscure 2
resident evil 3
silent hill 1
silent hill 2
silent hill 3
silent hill 4
silent hill 5
dino crisis 2
gta 3
gta : sand andrias
devil may cry 4
the misadvertures of tron bonne
mega man legends 1
mega man legends 2
mega man maverick hunter X
Gradius III
King of figters 3D
Ninja blade
Onimusha 2
soul calibur
R type delta
crash bandicoot 3 warped
croc 2
max payne 2
max payne
hitman blood money
batman arkham asylum
medal of honor : allied assualt
rayman 3: hoodlum havok
Batman : Vengeance
Metal gear solid 1
Metal gear solid 2
Metal gear solid 3
Final Fantasy VIII
Tony hawk's pro skating
dangerous dave
another world
hocus pocus (dos)
spyro 1
spyro 2
show us the list of games you played in your life.
Earliest console I've played was one of those Pong consoles with the fake wood veneer
Some spends time learning magic tricks, others playing games, others having sex.
I neither got sex nor learned magic tricks when I was young.
I sure hope you weren't picturing the learning magic and having sex in the same age group.
"Tennis" on the Commodore VC 20, which basically was pong, but the name tennis made it sound so much more exciting lol
last game I played... a round of Civ V
One fun thread would be if any games have caused you to look at life differently at all. For me Ecco the Dolphin made the ocean seem a whole ton freakier.
*leaves reminiscing thread*
Croc 2
Need for speed most wanted
Pretty sure that's it
but about the topic, the list would be endless, and would contain at least 10 times jagged alliance 2 on several difficulties, including fucking ironman without saving in battle - i just tried that again and couldn't make it