Its not much that is wrong but its better to adjust it early rather than later. get the proxy outlining the important parts of the weapon and make sure it fits. ok cool and good luck with your entry!
I like what you've got going on with those cracks but they kinda leans to the realistic side. Having them gong in a more pronounced zig-zag fasion would feed the stylization better I think.
yea I just ruffed em in. Ill be tweaking as I go fo show. See those tentacles. They are going to eat through the axe. The cracks will be more like Acid burns. Good looking out.
nice design, i liked the hole in the center of the skull a little bit more like in your concept, like a parasite grew outside of his head or and infested the blade or something, but this works also, and not working in symmetry? restecp hehe
Nice design. I like the expression on the face. It's got a tales from the crypt sort of feeling to it. For some reason, the fleshy strands radiating from the head and the overall shape of the blades make me think of hair.
the skull and the bolts combo reminds me of orcs from warhammer nice comical touch =D Overall the axe is looking pretty nice. Edges could do with some sharpening up in places but that'll come with more polish
You already moved on to 3d and I think your block out proxy might not quite fit with the weapon creation guidlines (here
Its not much that is wrong but its better to adjust it early rather than later.