Thanks for the replies and support everyone!! I loves me some polycount feedback.
Matt and Daphz: Thanks for the paintovers guys, I went back and revisited the diffuse colors. Rendered out a couple of directional lightmaps (a top down and a bottom up) and used them as the base for color variation masks. Tried to work more purple in towards the bottom and downward-facing angles, and tried to warm up the skin a bit so she looks less like a zombie.
POFFINGTON: Yeah you're probably right, if this was actually going into a game, she'd definitely get downrezzed. But since she's just folio fodder... eh. Nice to have the extra resolution.
shotgun: yeah, good crit, but you're right about the style aspect, and I think I'm finally happy with where she's at.
LRoy: Thanks man, pretty stoked when I woke up and saw that, most exposure I ever had.
I also got an email from 3d artist magazine the day after I posted those shots, they want me to send a posed screenshot of the ztl for a gallery feature. Everything's comin up millhouse!
So I took the crit advice given in this thread and tried to sex up the texture a bit, I also tweaked the lighting and final composition. I think she's lookin better, but might actually be too bright now. But maybe not. All that's left is to polish and pose the ztl and I can call her done. Cheers!
This turned out great Ferg! Clothing folds, hair, character design, color scheme, and presentation are awesome. Congrats on the 3D Artist magazine! I think that's actually on the iPad Newstand thing too.
That's looking really cool with the new lighting.:thumbup: Grats on 3d Artist. Got one of my models featured in this months issue, it's a good feeling.
Matt and Daphz: Thanks for the paintovers guys, I went back and revisited the diffuse colors. Rendered out a couple of directional lightmaps (a top down and a bottom up) and used them as the base for color variation masks. Tried to work more purple in towards the bottom and downward-facing angles, and tried to warm up the skin a bit so she looks less like a zombie.
POFFINGTON: Yeah you're probably right, if this was actually going into a game, she'd definitely get downrezzed. But since she's just folio fodder... eh. Nice to have the extra resolution.
shotgun: yeah, good crit, but you're right about the style aspect, and I think I'm finally happy with where she's at.
LRoy: Thanks man, pretty stoked when I woke up and saw that, most exposure I ever had.
I also got an email from 3d artist magazine the day after I posted those shots, they want me to send a posed screenshot of the ztl for a gallery feature. Everything's comin up millhouse!
So I took the crit advice given in this thread and tried to sex up the texture a bit, I also tweaked the lighting and final composition. I think she's lookin better, but might actually be too bright now. But maybe not. All that's left is to polish and pose the ztl and I can call her done. Cheers!