Hello, i present me, i am "Lephenix", i live in France, i am 16 years (well, 17 years in april), i started 3D like 1-2 years ago with Softimage XSI by modding the Star Wars Battlefront II game, i am a big fan of Star Wars, video games, science-fiction, i love drawing, and of course 3D, here are a few of my models:
http://s1043.photobucket.com/home/NITRO051/index. I want to become a 3d artist. I have been lurking on the forum for one year, and finally decided to register, i am glad to be a part of that awesome community. Thanks for letting me join you

With kind regards
My first 3d model:
DC-17 hand blaster seen in star wars the clone wars:
And other models i have done:
A lightsaber (seen in the blur studio cinematic for star wars the old republic "Hope":
A LEGO minifig:
A battle droid from Star Wars the clone wars:
Icons of the factions in star wars the old republic:
A corridor seen in star wars the phantom menace:
A pirate's blaster from a Star Wars the clone wars episode:
I have to finish those too.
I'm a big fan of Star Wars too!
Just a thought. <.<
By the way, i saw you were chosen by Hazardous for learning how to makes female models, congratulations, can't wait to see your next models with what you learnt.