I just noticed that we've recently broken 1,000,000 posts, which is pretty damn impressive, even if half of them were pictures of cats.
Almost everything I know about game art and penis tanks I can credit to Polycount, so here's hoping for another million.

Woo, pretty awesome milestone!
Another excuse to post this amazing video.
Congrats!... I guess?
i fucking love this community
We should start taking bets on what the 1 millionth post was.
So confusing!
Also - 1 million posts... cool!
This post ID i just have quoted is post #1,528,485. The forum totals count differently.
I'd search for all posts made in the last week and zoom to the 442nd or so but * isn't an acceptable keyword.
congratulations PC! I've built whatever I have that looks like a contact network here, and I got to know some of you as awesome people, the rest I still have to get to know ofcourse
It's a shame I didn't know about this industry ten years ago, but I can honestly say that in ten years, I will still be a loyal member of this forum.
well, if you REALLY want to get technical, these post counts are only since the forum reset. I'm sure we were waaaayyyyyy past 1000000 post counts long ago.
holy crap apples, I just noticed the location and post count are in a new area, when the funk did that happen?
You're a genius!
Okay, I looked at the current post count and got the the latest post, subtracted the number of posts over a million from the highest post ID and this is the post I got:
Lucky number 1,000,000 goes to Jacque Choi!
Happy million posts! And congrats, Jacque Choi.
i approve your post.
happy 1m pc pc!