Damit i just bought the 4m a month ago now they come up with that. Maybe Wacom will ship a 350 Euro device WITH a quite necessary foil for the surface.
My Intuos5 seems to have the same "smoother" surface that my Intuos4 (2nd batch) has.
The confusion over Wacom's statement that the 5 has the same surface as the 4 is probably because it is not always specified which version of the 4 they're referring to.
"From the Online FAQ for Intuos5: To address the nib wear that some customers previously reported, we introduced a new active area surface overlay with Intuos4 in January 2010. Intuos5 has this same proven overlay sheet. " - Wacom
Do the buttons on the intuos 5 feel about the same? On the intuos 4 they are incredibly stiff and require a lot of force to activate.
I feel they are easier to actuate but this is pretty subjective. Also, the buttons now have little "markers" on them much like keyboards do on the "f" and "j" keys. This allows for a more tactile and user friendly experience overall, with the new rubberized texture being an added bonus:
i'm about to pull the trigger on an intuos A5 to accompany my laptop. i don't use the buttons, wheel nor the onscreen GUI and therefore i do not really care if it's going to be an intuos 2, 3, 4 or 5 - infact, i like the 2-series still the most for it's simplicity. but going 2nd hand is not really an option this time.
so, since the 4-series is being phased out and i can get one way cheaper than the new model i'm just wondering if there's anything i'd truly miss out on if i don't go for the series 5 model? don't care about bluetooth btw. it'll have to be USB only.
ares of concern:
- usb power plug locator on the tablet - where is it on the 5 and can you still flip the tablet around like series 4 (to avoid having your palm rub over the buttons all the time as a leftie)?
- intuos 4 leaves nasty black streak marks when it rubs against a unibody macbook in a bag. ewwww - what's the casing like on the newer model?
- is having multitouch on the tablet useful at all? as in - is wacom's implementation of it any good in day to day use? preferably compared to using it on a mac or iphone.
- is the drawing surface on the 5 still wearing like crazy as it does for me on intuos 4? the one i have at work has seen 8 months of use and looks like 80 in some spots!
I used a 5 at GDC Thomas and the mutlitouch was super laggy. Maybe they'll speed it up in new firmware at some point. But I was pretty let down with that aspect. The actual feel of the surface I liked a hair better than the 4 though.
ares of concern:
- usb power plug locator on the tablet - where is it on the 5 and can you still flip the tablet around like series 4 (to avoid having your palm rub over the buttons all the time as a leftie)?
there's only one usb port on intuos 5, it's on the opposite of express keys side.
you can flip tablet around, and there're settings for left or right (as well up and down) express keys navigation in tablet driver.
- intuos 4 leaves nasty black streak marks when it rubs against a unibody macbook in a bag. ewwww - what's the casing like on the newer model?
ummm get a bag with 2 sections? I haven't had this issue so far, but I've never jammed mb and intuos together.
- is having multitouch on the tablet useful at all? as in - is wacom's implementation of it any good in day to day use? preferably compared to using it on a mac or iphone.
in my opinion if you already have multitouchy touchpad on mbpro, touch-enabled tablet is excessive; last time I checked amazon reviews they were less than stellar, drivers are buggy (this would probably be improved later.)
upd: apparently, wacom touch gestures aren't consistent with mac os ones ย http://forum.wacom.eu/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=9054
I hate gesture controls, but anyone using them would have to adjust to wacom's implementation.
- is the drawing surface on the 5 still wearing like crazy as it does for me on intuos 4? the one i have at work has seen 8 months of use and looks like 80 in some spots!
no idea sorry. it is a major nib-eater despite wacom claiming they revised it acc to user whining, and it feels like shit for the first few days of using.
about the multitouch: it all sounds like i assumed - wacom in my book is a hardware company, but to make the multitouch feature more than a gimmick, you'd need the expertise of a software design company.
and that's not even considering how pleasant or not gestures on a wacom drawing surface might feel. on something like the intuos 4's at least i don't think i could stand it - by far not slippery enough.
the location of the USB port on the new intuos would be quite problematic for me, it's right where my arm rests all the time. on the 4 it's at least somewhat out of the way and hasn't been problematic so far (intuos 3 had the best position for the cable for me though).
looks like i'll be getting the intuos 4 then and save myself some cash.
I just got the 4 last week. The price on Amazon was just too good to pass up and my 2 had served it's life. So far I am thrilled with it and using Corel Painter hasn't been any problem at all. The only weird thing is when changing brush size using the tablet wheel, I sometimes have to hit the hand button first and then go back to the rotating ring.
I picked up the Intuos 5 Medium this weekend. I definitely dig it, but I noticed while using touch that to the right side along the edge the surface feels a bit lumpy. It's only just noticeable and doesn't affect performance since it's out of the active area. I was just wondering if others noticed this as well. I'm curious in case mine isn't settled correctly and I need to exchange it. If any others could share their experience I would appreciate it.
what is "right side"? which one are you talking about, close to express keys or opposite from them?
my surface feels plain and even when drawing, but if I rub my fingers strong enough near the express key block, about an inch from it, I can feel some irregularities under.
I didn't notice it before at all though, so your model might have some factory defects. contact wacom and probably send it back?
hmmm, no, I don't feel literally anything different with my tablet, it's perfectly flat there. hit them an e-mail or post at http://forum.wacom.eu/ if you really have some concerns about it though.
there're some conflicts between wacom pen and windows inking software, that aren't manually fixable in the current win8 build
also wacom drivers aren't yet MS certified for windows 8?
So my pen is acting buggy on my Intuos 3. I am wondering if I should just upgrade to 5. Especially since I use Windows 8 and they now have drivers for it.
So should I just purchase a new pen (hopefully its the pen, the tablet will suddenly go full pressure and not release until I tap the surface again). Or upgrade? (Both?) I'm also using the older standard 4X3 versus 16X9 format tablet. So I don't get to use the entire surface, and its a small model as it is.
how does an intuos 5 compare to an intuos 2 in terms of feel etc.
I have had my intuos 2 for a few years now and its ok, but wondered if it was worth upgrading
I use my Intuos 5 with Windows 8 and it is abysmal. Really regretting upgrading to Windows 8. There are so many irritating bugs and problems it's unreal - that being said I haven't tried the latest driver released last week, so I'll download that when I get home and report back
I'll download that when I get home and report back
It's just as shit as before. Wacom/Microsoft seriously need to sort this out! As a customer I feel personally insulted! :snarl:
EDIT: just to make it clear, it is the dumbing down of Windows 8 that is the problem here - my Intuos 5 was fine on Windows 7, because there were workarounds to the problems that Microsoft like to bestow upon tablet users - but these workarounds are gone now that most useful options are hidden from the user in Windows 8.
Yeah, the problem is with the compatibility of Windows 8 with tablets - besides these problems I love it I've tried absolutely everything to fix the problems though; read every forum post, changed every setting, downloaded every driver and edited every registry key but nothing works
As for the Intuos, it's great! No problems there. I don't use the touch features personally, (besides the buttons and the scrolly wheel) as it can be a bit unresponsive, but it's probably just a matter of getting used to it. I prefer keyboard shortcuts for the things you could do with touch (e.g. Z in Photoshop to zoom instead pinching, R to rotate canvas, etc.)
I bought an intuos5 a few months ago, the drivers slowed down my computer beyond belief and the touch didn't work very well either. I found the expresskeys too hard to push down. The drawing worked fine though, its just the keys, touch and the driver that sucked for it.
So I returned it for a refund. I managed to pick up an Intuos4 on ebay though for half the price of an Intuos5, should be getting that soon!
TL DR; am I the only one that finds the 'touch' buttons annoying as hell? I have an Intuos 5 at work and I can't stand it, have an Intuos 4 at home and I love it. I find my wrist always pushing the buttons, even with the 'touch' turned off. Not a fan on the material either, I prefer the hard plastic of my 4.
Has anyone managed to successfully take the surface off the non touch version of the intuos 5? Just hope this surface can outlast about 5 years to justify a new tablet purchase :P
The confusion over Wacom's statement that the 5 has the same surface as the 4 is probably because it is not always specified which version of the 4 they're referring to.
Link to FAQ: http://www.wacom.eu/index2.asp?pid=8011&spid=0&lang=en
Do the buttons on the intuos 5 feel about the same? On the intuos 4 they are incredibly stiff and require a lot of force to activate.
I feel they are easier to actuate but this is pretty subjective. Also, the buttons now have little "markers" on them much like keyboards do on the "f" and "j" keys. This allows for a more tactile and user friendly experience overall, with the new rubberized texture being an added bonus:
//Edit: this post may help you - http://painterfactory.com/forums/p/4506/20504.aspx#20504
i'm about to pull the trigger on an intuos A5 to accompany my laptop. i don't use the buttons, wheel nor the onscreen GUI and therefore i do not really care if it's going to be an intuos 2, 3, 4 or 5 - infact, i like the 2-series still the most for it's simplicity.
so, since the 4-series is being phased out and i can get one way cheaper than the new model i'm just wondering if there's anything i'd truly miss out on if i don't go for the series 5 model? don't care about bluetooth btw. it'll have to be USB only.
ares of concern:
- usb power plug locator on the tablet - where is it on the 5 and can you still flip the tablet around like series 4 (to avoid having your palm rub over the buttons all the time as a leftie)?
- intuos 4 leaves nasty black streak marks when it rubs against a unibody macbook in a bag. ewwww - what's the casing like on the newer model?
- is having multitouch on the tablet useful at all? as in - is wacom's implementation of it any good in day to day use? preferably compared to using it on a mac or iphone.
- is the drawing surface on the 5 still wearing like crazy as it does for me on intuos 4? the one i have at work has seen 8 months of use and looks like 80 in some spots!
you can flip tablet around, and there're settings for left or right (as well up and down) express keys navigation in tablet driver. ummm get a bag with 2 sections? I haven't had this issue so far, but I've never jammed mb and intuos together. in my opinion if you already have multitouchy touchpad on mbpro, touch-enabled tablet is excessive; last time I checked amazon reviews they were less than stellar, drivers are buggy (this would probably be improved later.)
upd: apparently, wacom touch gestures aren't consistent with mac os ones ย
I hate gesture controls, but anyone using them would have to adjust to wacom's implementation.
no idea sorry. it is a major nib-eater despite wacom claiming they revised it acc to user whining, and it feels like shit for the first few days of using.
about the multitouch: it all sounds like i assumed - wacom in my book is a hardware company, but to make the multitouch feature more than a gimmick, you'd need the expertise of a software design company.
and that's not even considering how pleasant or not gestures on a wacom drawing surface might feel. on something like the intuos 4's at least i don't think i could stand it - by far not slippery enough.
the location of the USB port on the new intuos would be quite problematic for me, it's right where my arm rests all the time. on the 4 it's at least somewhat out of the way and hasn't been problematic so far (intuos 3 had the best position for the cable for me though).
looks like i'll be getting the intuos 4 then and save myself some cash.
my surface feels plain and even when drawing, but if I rub my fingers strong enough near the express key block, about an inch from it, I can feel some irregularities under.
I didn't notice it before at all though, so your model might have some factory defects. contact wacom and probably send it back?
Wondering. Do you think the 5 is a perfect companion for 8 since 8 is so touch driven?
there're some conflicts between wacom pen and windows inking software, that aren't manually fixable in the current win8 build
also wacom drivers aren't yet MS certified for windows 8?
So should I just purchase a new pen (hopefully its the pen, the tablet will suddenly go full pressure and not release until I tap the surface again). Or upgrade? (Both?) I'm also using the older standard 4X3 versus 16X9 format tablet. So I don't get to use the entire surface, and its a small model as it is.
I have had my intuos 2 for a few years now and its ok, but wondered if it was worth upgrading
Worth making sure the older versions don't have drivers conflicts with the newer OSs, seeing as there's been some discussion here about drivers-bugs
It's just as shit as before. Wacom/Microsoft seriously need to sort this out! As a customer I feel personally insulted! :snarl:
EDIT: just to make it clear, it is the dumbing down of Windows 8 that is the problem here - my Intuos 5 was fine on Windows 7, because there were workarounds to the problems that Microsoft like to bestow upon tablet users - but these workarounds are gone now that most useful options are hidden from the user in Windows 8.
Do you like the Intous 5, and do you find the touch controls useful?
As for the Intuos, it's great! No problems there. I don't use the touch features personally, (besides the buttons and the scrolly wheel) as it can be a bit unresponsive, but it's probably just a matter of getting used to it. I prefer keyboard shortcuts for the things you could do with touch (e.g. Z in Photoshop to zoom instead pinching, R to rotate canvas, etc.)
So I returned it for a refund. I managed to pick up an Intuos4 on ebay though for half the price of an Intuos5, should be getting that soon!