courtesy of
original thread over there
launches on March, 16 (idk if Japan only or international launch)
same 2048 levels of pressure, but with a new design and multi touch
(if anyone here can read Japanese, there're a few posts with some details on the CA board)
^ this. Especially when it looses track of which desktop you're mapped to is very, very annoying.
Buggy drivers aside, I like the 4th gen wacom, so if there's going to more based on them; bring it.
That would be enough to get me to move from an intuos 4 to an intuos 5. Every time I am on a new windows install it's a multiple day process of trying to set up win 7 and the wacom drivers correctly.
What do you mean? The actual connection between the lead and the tablet?
My Intuos 2 is getting a bit long in the tooth. Even the rubber grip of the pen has worn away and fell off. I loath it
This new design looks sleek (and thin!), hopefully the pen is as comfy as the Intuos 4's (looks about the same).
It's only recently I've managed to get it working consistently under win7, often photoshop would only recognise it as a mouse, losing the pressure sensitive parts.
Would really like to upgrade to get something that has the extra stuff like tilt/rotation that isn't supported on the wacom bambo.
Probably the boundary for the pen/touching sensing area. Either the blank area on the right is for scrolling touch gestures, or a place to rest your wrist when drawing so as to not throw off the touch sensing.
Very likely Wacom's extensive amount of patents related to tablet technology, along with entrenched brand recognition. I think they have patents on everything from the fact that the pen doesn't require batteries, and can relay complex levels of information, like tilt, rotation, pressure levels up to 2048, etc. solely via RF signal.
So imagine if you had to research and build a tablet, but couldn't make one in any way that would violate any of Wacom's patents, and then had to market it in an arena dominated solely by one monolithic entity.
They could improve user interaction via the tablet itself, mainly via buttons, displays, and an ability to differentiate between drawing and pen-based gesture actions. Eventually I could see display technology becoming cheap enough at a small scale that all the tablets Wacom sells are the equivalent of Cintiqs, however smaller, thinner, throwing off less heat, and with the option to deactivate/alter the display (alter - for instance, instead of displaying a program, show just grid and ruler lines, french curves, angle assistance, specialty information/guides for drafting, technical drawing, sketching, etc. on a single color background).
Illusions : I agree with your last paragraph, that's basically all they can do now. But the problem is that it requires a very tight integration with both the OS and the painting software and Wacom, Adobe and MS showed numerous times before that they really aren't working together on these issues - the Vista/7 tabletPC options fiasco is an exemple of that. The way Photoshop doesn't do any kind of post processing on the tablet signal shows that too ...
I've personally never had any driver issues with my Intuos 4 but I know the Cintiqs at school are a nightmare to get working properly.
As weird as it might sound, I would like an integrated keyboard in my next tablet. I don't know how it would work exactly.. But I could really go for not having to always move my keyboard and tablet around.
I have had an intuos 1, 2, and 4. By the time I got my 4 the 2 was so heavily used it wasn't a fair comparison. What about 4 is less desirable than something like the 3?
I think personal preference is definitely the thing here. I personally LOVE the i4. Significantly more so than the i3. The rough grit surface was a big plus for me, and the design of the buttons and the wheel is much better than the strips that the i3 had.
Didn't the i4 introduce 2048 levels of pressure, though? Not that it made much of a difference, if any.
umm sorry, but blame your OS. mac intuos drivers are flawless and bugfree compared to win, AND we have whack'em:
he's cute and animooted too
well some chinese noname manufacturers have been doing i4 knock offs (look through wacom subforum, all there);
however with any big name brand, it's pointless to step into wacom's market;
number of wacom's flops over the past year have been growing, but hopefully they're listening to customer feedback (I'm really curious about usb-soldering on those; def. not buying on launch, since my intuos 3 works great, but looking into upgrading later).
2048 was its main selling feature; there have been software improvements like precision mode and radial menu, all locked to intuos4 and cintiq models. I thought you can do it by default?
idk about intuos4 driver look, with intuos3, under "functions" tab (where you set up your keyboard shorcuts) - by default you have them set up for all programs, and than there's that "+" icon on the right to hand-pick applications.
My thought is that Wacom will eventually have to address this, or some other company will take their place. The main question is going to be when, although it doesn't look like it will be with whatever is pictured here.
I only can complain about ati, about my crap of 5770
I meant multiple hotkey profiles for a single program.
Setting the hotkeys for a default profile, and then one for the actual program is hack-ier than what I meant.
As in 7 of the 8 buttons on an i4 do something completely different within PS for example and one button is the toggle between the mapping within the same program.
Personally I use more than 8 hotkeys for photoshop, and even with radial mapping I'd still prefer more direct hotkeys.
One thing that they should all have had by now is wireless as standard. That is one feature that would tempt me to move on from my lovely Intuos 3 wide. Sick of all these wires getting in the way.
Can they just announce a 12-15 inch Cintiq without a box o cables that the current 12 uses?
Nope. I suspected that there was a reason I didn't see others using them.
A wireless Intuos without lag please Wacom?
I wonder if this will steal some of the wind out of their sales... personally I doubt it. I don't think the pressure sensitivity will be higher than 512, and the other specs leave a bit to be desired too, especially the RAM. Plus no real apps like ZBrush.
Photoshop does load sometimes without recognizing the tablet entirely, but dunno if it's drivers-related.
That aside, the USB connector problem (that's me in that photo ZacD posted) is something I'd like to see fixed. If Apple hadn't patented that damn magnetic USB-connection... our lives coulda been easier.
It won't, but thats because the tech Samsung is using for their tablet is made by Wacom. So even if you buy this instead of a Wacom tablet, they are still making money, because you're buying Wacom technology.
I have noticed this on my Intuos 4. I went from an i2 to an i4 and realized the rough "sandy" surface and I don't like it. I don't even use the buttons on it either, I have all my Photoshop keys specifically bound to my right hand when using my tablet (not my Cintiq).
I also agree that they're kind of hitting a wall at this point. The pressure difference the 2 and 4 was minor, but slightly noticeable. I don't think increasing the levels of sensitivity any further will do anything and I'm the only one I know that uses the buttons on the side of my new 21UX at work.
I think they should be focusing on mastering portable display / tablet devices, like a Cintiq laptop all in one.
at least you DID apparently notice a difference. i still fail to do it to this day. intuos 1, 2, 3 and 4 all feel the same to me, save for the drawing surface and the shape of the pen.
[ame=""] POSRUS Wacom Intuos 4 Medium Pen Tablet Surface Cover: Electronics[/ame]
Makes the surface perfectly smooth and there's no noticeable different in responsiveness.
Brillant! 15 inch Cintiq without the box o' cables please.
*shakes fist*
I would like to see a report rate superior than 200pps (points per second) and a better lpi. I'm customed to draw with very very fast strokes, and working with the intuos 3 is not as great as working on a paper.
BTW, the differente between intuos 2 and 3 was huge.
I was going to buy a cintiq24HD but i noticed it has lag, damn. In wacom they are selling us the same with a different look.
Thanks for that!
Yep, i still have lag, like painting handpainted textures of 2048x2048. But it's only with very fast strokes. With a pencil i draw a concept in some minutes, but with the wacom i can't make a fast linear stroke