Wanted to do a highpoly posed sculpt rendered in mental ray, but the pose is not working out so Im going back to the drawing board and working on some more poses
ok, went with my favorite pose of the refferences i collected, still have alot of cleaning up to do and have to bring in the kneepads.
What do you guys think?
I think it'd be worth doing some more design development on the prosthetic arm. The elbow doesn't look like it'd actually function the way it's set up now.
Is the arm prosthetic though, or some sort of power armour/extension thing?
Personally, The weighting of it seems a bit off for me, Like, it looks like it would be a pain to carry round because of how big and chunky it is.
I think it could be a bit smaller in the concept or maybe its just one of those things that doesn't translate so well from 2D to 3D. Or perhaps it might be a bit different once its textured and you can differentiate between materials a bit better.
Either way though, I would probably play with the scale of the arms to see if I could find a better balance.
indeed, it looks like the guy would soon start to lean towards his left arm, and get serious problems with his spine in the near future. not to mention that the whole assymetrical strain and disturbed balance would mean reduced efficiency on duty.
it seems to be one of those cases where artist didn't really think it through.
Thanks guys, I've scaled down the arm and tried to get the weight to look more natural. but it does seem like the design is partially at fault. will do more work to remedy this.
worked on the cloth also got the folds down.
have alot more to do like adding understructure to the joints but I thought I bring it into mental ray to see how it looked.
Looks awesome so far. The pose looks a bit off though as far as weight distribution it feels as though he should be leaning more towards his left leg. This may help:
Thanks Lance and Rion, appreciate the feedback!
Spent alot of time working on getting the contrapposto to look right. I realized there were some big problems with the hip that I hadn't addressed.
How does the pose look here? Balanced?
Im hoping to finalize the sculpt and move on to rendering so I'd appreciate any feedback out there!
Hello, I love the concept. I think you have a good start but I feel like the pose is off.I'm not sure you're trying to model exactly like the concept is but if so I think your guy is to tall and slim with all the armor on. The head sculpt is good, Keep going man.
Good stuff! One thing I see though is the bicep might be too defined as it terminates into the brachioradialis or the area around the elbow pit. Great stuff. Nice concept. Will follow.
Thanks Guys, been working the crits in (nice call Garriola hopefully it looks better now)
also done some testing of materials, not sure if I want to do the studio/automotive style or go with a more war-torn outdoor render. more to come but this is it for tonight.
Do you guys prefer something like this?
I think I might be going with the exterior version as it sets of the form a bit better, and seems closer to the refference
His normal arm looks a bit off to me. Im not sure if its because his other side is so bulky but it looks a little small/to thin on the side view. What does everyone else think?
Thanks Darkleopard, do you mean from the front like in the last picture? or the sideview?
anyways did a quick thing to give him somewhere to be, think I might have to bring down the decimation on the enviro shit. its getting all muddy with smooth normals
Thanks lance (hows portland?) and thanks a bunch for all the help guys, getting close to finishing up (going to have to since GDC's just a few days away) but I still want to tweak the render some.
Iciban: thanks man, don't know why I had to hear that twice to actually do something about it, but i think it helped alot (thank you too dark leopard)
Sculptar: your right. the kneepads do sit just a little below his actual knee, the reasoning I had was so that the strap wouldn't get pinched in the pit of the bent leg. but Ill see what I can do to alleviate the issue. Thanks!
What do you guys think?
Personally, The weighting of it seems a bit off for me, Like, it looks like it would be a pain to carry round because of how big and chunky it is.
I think it could be a bit smaller in the concept or maybe its just one of those things that doesn't translate so well from 2D to 3D. Or perhaps it might be a bit different once its textured and you can differentiate between materials a bit better.
Either way though, I would probably play with the scale of the arms to see if I could find a better balance.
Looking pretty good otherwise.
it seems to be one of those cases where artist didn't really think it through.
worked on the cloth also got the folds down.
have alot more to do like adding understructure to the joints but I thought I bring it into mental ray to see how it looked.
Spent alot of time working on getting the contrapposto to look right. I realized there were some big problems with the hip that I hadn't addressed.
How does the pose look here? Balanced?
Im hoping to finalize the sculpt and move on to rendering so I'd appreciate any feedback out there!
also done some testing of materials, not sure if I want to do the studio/automotive style or go with a more war-torn outdoor render. more to come but this is it for tonight.
I think I might be going with the exterior version as it sets of the form a bit better, and seems closer to the refference
anyways did a quick thing to give him somewhere to be, think I might have to bring down the decimation on the enviro shit. its getting all muddy with smooth normals
pose is not bad tho. Love the mech arm. keep at it!
Starting to look heaps better though!
Iciban: thanks man, don't know why I had to hear that twice to actually do something about it, but i think it helped alot (thank you too dark leopard)
Sculptar: your right. the kneepads do sit just a little below his actual knee, the reasoning I had was so that the strap wouldn't get pinched in the pit of the bent leg. but Ill see what I can do to alleviate the issue. Thanks!
See you guys at GDC!