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Far Cry 3 - Stranded Trailer

polycounter lvl 9
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Nemecys polycounter lvl 9
If you haven't seen it already you really should have, its an amazing display of animation and modelling skill, i can only imagine how long this took to render, and the polycount of the models and assets involved,

Heres a link if you haven't already [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYPnDDr7sMk"]www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYPnDDr7sMk[/ame], what do you guys think of it anyway, do you reckon you could fill a role required to make something of this magnitude?

Discuss, i'd love to hear your thoughts about the process or anything in general really.


  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    Theres a reason that theres a distinct difference between visual effect artists and game artists.

    As for the game, cant wait.
  • Nemecys
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    Nemecys polycounter lvl 9
    What sort of serious differences are we talking because ive never actually looked into or thought about the differences between VEA's or GA's i always thought that these were basically tweaked versions of the high poly models that were all rendered out,

    Please discuss, these trailer is so powerful i just want to know so much about it
  • keizza
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    keizza polycounter lvl 18
    i'm rebooting this old thread for the sake that the game is out......stateside soon. but man, the reviews are through the roof. the videos i've seen are amazing. i LOVED far cry 2(it's divisive)....and can NOT wait for the U.S. release. anyone here frothing at the mouth as much as me?

    45 minutes of bliss......

  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    I'm with you keizza! :P I am super happy!
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    It's a good game for sure, all of us think so even though we worked some of it ^^
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    Anyone picked this up yet? Loving it so far! :)

    Been playing all day today, so much to do, hunting, racing, lots of little of side stuff.

    Game looks great as well, especially the characters, the lipsync and eye shaders really bring out their personalities, Vass is really well done and stands out.

    Combat is good despite me keep running out of ammo, but there's soo many other ways to kill people. Bow is particularly awesome.

    I've had a few problems so far though, doesn't run too well on my 690, seems it's only using one GPU and the minute I get into a gunfight, my fps goes from high 90's right down to as low as 20 and that's with the new beta drivers.

    The AO is way too strong as well, could do with toning down, it's giving that cell-shaded most of the time it's that strong.

    Also the Motion Blur does the opposite of what you expect, for example, if your driving a car, it will blur your hands and the car and not the passing environment.
  • MrOneTwo
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    MrOneTwo polycounter lvl 12
    Vaas is great. So much life in his character. I don't get the rest of the characters though ;p Even main character. He's supposed to be changing but he is still the same. Whiny douchebag.

    Game is great. So much to do. Guns feel great. The bow and flamethrower are great. Visuals are stunning! Whole scene with Vaas next to big whole with brick tied to your hands...

    One of those really beautiful experiences.
  • HardBaller
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    HardBaller polycounter lvl 7
    MrOneTwo wrote: »
    Vaas is great. So much life in his character. I don't get the rest of the characters though ;p Even main character. He's supposed to be changing but he is still the same. Whiny douchebag

    it's a spoiler so market it as such. select text to see it.
    If you talk with those "friends" of your in the cave more you'll start to notice that he really starts to love killing them pirates and enjoys the fights. Later he also really changes from saving ppl to just exterminating vass and his pirates. Oh he changes really. But you have to talk to the past to hear the future if you get what i mean. (also eat the red pills in the cave. helps see the difference).

    Also i'm really enjoying the game. Bit of a rough start but once it got rolling it never stopped. It looks fantastic (everything on ultra on i5-3570k with hd7870oc) no frame drops or screen tearing. The cutescenes are really great and i so much love vass. Best character of this year for me. Hell to me fc3 is goty. And i'm only about half way on the main mission.
  • MrOneTwo
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    MrOneTwo polycounter lvl 12
    HardBaller wrote: »
    it's a spoiler so market it as such. select text to see it.
    If you talk with those "friends" of your in the cave more you'll start to notice that he really starts to love killing them pirates and enjoys the fights. Later he also really changes from saving ppl to just exterminating vass and his pirates. Oh he changes really. But you have to talk to the past to hear the future if you get what i mean. (also eat the red pills in the cave. helps see the difference).

    Also i'm really enjoying the game. Bit of a rough start but once it got rolling it never stopped. It looks fantastic (everything on ultra on i5-3570k with hd7870oc) no frame drops or screen tearing. The cutescenes are really great and i so much love vass. Best character of this year for me. Hell to me fc3 is goty. And i'm only about half way on the main mission.

    Yeah I'm doing what you are talking about. Main character for me is still the same ;p What he tells doesn't really change him as a character. It's hard to show a change in character when it is a first person shooter though. Whole 'california kids trip' isn't as fleshed out as it could be. All of his friends aren't as shocked and scared as they should.

    Those are small things though. Game is great.
  • Bellsey
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    gameplay wise, the game is great... visually, i dunno, i was expecting more i think... character faces are great, but in a game like this it's the environment that's important. so when i'm running it maxed out (if you can call it that, with the limited controls available), i don't expect to see blurry textures all over the place.
  • KarlWrang
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    KarlWrang polycounter lvl 6
    Can't wait to play this game :) I actually loved Far cry 2 and this game looks sick!
  • Snipergen
    I just completed the game, and it's safe to say that it's one of the best games I have ever played. The characters are great, so much to do, missions are so much fun. Honestly, what a game.
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    Just finished the main storyline, probably my GOTY. Congrats to everyone that worked on this, enjoyed it from start to finish.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    I was on the fence. then i saw this:

  • leleuxart
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    leleuxart polycounter lvl 12
    This game is amazing. It's definitely up there as one of my all-time favorites. There's so much to do and it looks great. I love all of the tiny details, like birds casting shadows and all of the interaction with the NPCs and animals. Every time I climb a radio tower, I have to take a few minutes and admire the surroundings.

    Quick question though, I'm running an i7-3770, 16GB RAM, and a 570, but I'm only getting 30FPS without vsync. I'm relatively new to PC gaming, so could anyone explain the VSYNC Frame option and the GPU Buffer? Everything else is maxed out too.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    vsync reduces tearing, if it looks like the image or screen is getting ripped in half, that is tearing and you need to turn vsync on to fix it. If you don't see it or notice it, don't worry about it. This is tearing http://i.imgur.com/mbmZe.jpg http://i.imgur.com/ilGfj.jpg
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
    I will pick it up soon, looks kick ass.
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    you had me at "skyrim with guns"
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    leleuxart wrote: »
    Quick question though, I'm running an i7-3770, 16GB RAM, and a 570, but I'm only getting 30FPS without vsync. I'm relatively new to PC gaming, so could anyone explain the VSYNC Frame option and the GPU Buffer? Everything else is maxed out too.

    V-Sync basically caps the frame rate of the game to the refresh rate of you monitor preventing screen tearing. If it can't maintain a constant 60fps on a 60hz monitor, then it halves it to 30fps and so on. But it also introduces input lag, although the are like like double/triple buffering to remedy this, since I have a 120hz monitor I mostly turn V-Sync off.

    Far Cry doesn't run to great on my 690 and weirdly seems to run better with V-Sync on.

    The GPU buffer thing I'm to to sure about, never seen it in any other game unless it's listed as something else, maybe something that caches the next frames before there drawn?
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    I've been going over the survival guide pdf that this came with.. and its pretty funny...and some things i knew.. and learned a new knot i guess. Can't wait to this a spin later. The ost is pretty good as well :)
  • leleuxart
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    leleuxart polycounter lvl 12
    Ark wrote: »
    V-Sync basically caps the frame rate of the game to the refresh rate of you monitor preventing screen tearing. If it can't maintain a constant 60fps on a 60hz monitor, then it halves it to 30fps and so on. But it also introduces input lag, although the are like like double/triple buffering to remedy this, since I have a 120hz monitor I mostly turn V-Sync off.

    Far Cry doesn't run to great on my 690 and weirdly seems to run better with V-Sync on.

    The GPU buffer thing I'm to to sure about, never seen it in any other game unless it's listed as something else, maybe something that caches the next frames before there drawn?

    Thanks ZacD and Ark :) I knew about VSync, but I've never played a PC game that had VSync frames 1 and 2. It's usually VSync on or off. I have VSync off right now and GPU Buffer on 5 and I've gotten around 10 more FPS without any noticeable input lag or tearing. I did have a bunch of flickering on one of the meshes somewhere during a mission, but I'm just gonna believe it was the game and not my card, since it doesn't happen anywhere else.

    I've also seen things about a beta driver that works really well for this game, maybe that'll solve everyone's problems with performance.
  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    ae. wrote: »
    you had me at "skyrim with guns"

    This. Plus I have to support Dan Hay, my old producer :)
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    hehehe this game is fun. played for like an hr. went for a swim.. saw some stuff to collect, and BAM! a croc just scared the crap out me. My natural reaction was to stab it, hug it as it does the death roll, stab some more, and then kick it. boy... that was so cool tho.... the commodore dragons make funny noises. Really looking fwd to more game time with this. Game looks great as well. Can't wait to pull a batman and punch a shark on the nose.

    Right before i had my encounter with the croc. PC settings are on highest for the most part... some of the options i have no idea what they do... like why there is a buffer x5... but it runs fairly good. I'll play with the settings at some point to make it look better. I bet i can get a lot of ultra settings here. Great stuff so far. I love the characters.



  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    my biggest gameplay niggles...

    1. i want to be able to mod the game, i mean really mod it. like, swap all the pirates with WH40K orks that drive around shouting "MORE DAKKA!"

    2. the whole getting guns for free when you take over towers thing. it actually destroyed a huge part of the game for me. i don't feel the need to go hunting for crafting materials, i just killed the animals needed for 4 gun slots and had done with it, and then went round unlocking the towers to get all the weapons for free.

    i wish they hadn't done that, and that you had to pay for a gun each time you wanted it, unless you found one in the wild (lol, a wild shotgun appears!) purely because that would force you to think about strategy a whole lot more in taking down the enemy camps (you can't afford to make too many wrong weapon choices etc.) and would put more emphesis on material gathering and crafting.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    aw man the fps is such shit on xbox.. I really hope they have a patch, its almost unplayable.

    Fun game though, the guns feel really powerful and its nice when enemies die realistically in 1-2 hits
  • Gilgamesh
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    Gilgamesh polycounter lvl 12
    Also weapons swap and ammo from every base you take is a bit strange too, no point of the shops really what so ever in the game. Crafting could have been allot deeper imo, I pretty much maxed out my crafting (apart from the hunt quest parts) in the first 1/8th of the game (yer that includes bears and sharks).

    We seriously need to be able to mod this game ... badly :P

    Also my Goty so far I think.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    Don't they still have farcrys signature map editor? Thats enough for me :D
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah the editor is still there, just been having a mess around in it, like a much simpler version of Cryengines Sandbox. Not surprised considering it based on the same tech.

    Proper mod tools would have been great as well, could have seen this being the next stalker with a few parts modded.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    they included animals and enemy ai in the map editor though! woot shark pits
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    Hey all, I haven't seen a game thread for this- I did a search apologies if I'm wrong.

    So far- very pleased with how it's progressing. I've encountered a few missions where it's : get detected and mission over- I'm really hoping these are tutorials only, as the thing I liked about the first one was that you have free reign, if you cock up you just have to fight out of it (or die, but no insta game-over)

    biggest complaint is that I've looked for a weapons list and can't find the mortar. AGH, what an oversight! that was my absolute favourite weapon from FC2.. it was so difficult to use but so satisfying when you get it right.. same with satchel charges/IEDs- are they gone too?? two of the most interesting weapons to use seem to be canned. so sad.

    edit: ohh at least there seems to be IEDs, re-branded as C4. still, really miss the mortar. I had high hopes
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    I'm enjoying the game as well, its great. My only complaint is about the stealth. I'll be a good distance away with a silenced sniper and snipe an enemy and they'll automatically charge at me and know where I am. Same with the bow at times and I am typically behind a tree or in a bush far off. Also the fact you get free weapons unlocking towers turns me off :/ Not a big deal because making money isn't that hard to do but yeah overall I love it!
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    Single player is awesome. Ubisoft didn't sweat two shits for multiplayer and im very mad at that, if I had known this I wouldn't have bought the game. The single player has no replayability in any farcry games and the multiplayer has always been its unique selling point.

    graphics worse in multiplayer
    no server browser
    no ai/vehicles in multiplayer (but still in the map editor..?) goodbye shark pit hopes..
    no more courses/jump puzzles (can't set 'no time limit')
    grass/trees don't have wind
    fire doesn't spread and foliage doesn't burn.
    explosions don't affect trees
    no snap tool in the map editor

    yet all of this was true in FC2

    It amazes me how fucking blind developers can be nowadays. Probably some bullshit time constraint pushed so they could release it early. Typical.

    Please go here to vote for the server browser back: http://forums.ubi.com/showthread.php/736087-Petition-Add-Public-Custom-Player-Map-Hosting-amp-Server-Browser

    The art looks great! But the game blows at this point in time.
  • Ark
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    frell wrote: »
    The single player has no replayability in any farcry games
    Uhh there certainly is re-playability. There are many different ways to complete a mission. Not to sound like a dick but you are possibly the most picky person I have ever seen lol. Multiplayer isn't "amazing" because developers are basically forced to make it now-a days because people won't buy a game ,sadly, because there is no multiplayer. Picky, picky, picky. You did good Ubisoft.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    Im not asking for call of duty filler multiplayer. And no the replayability is terrible compared to Skyrim.

    Did you ever play 3 hour long jump puzzles on farcry instincts? Roller coasters, toilet bowls? All that x2 and more on FC2. It was so unique and fun. Now they turned it into match making boring team deathmatches.

    They've always included an awesome multiplayer system in their games forever. They have an extremely well known map editor, why would they trash it all of a sudden on what could be the best game?
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    Are you sure you played the same Far Cry 3 as the rest of the world? lol
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    I hope not.

    Either way its all or nothing. If you want to be known for single player then only do single player so I don't have to bother buying it based on my previous endless hours of fun with the multiplayer of their previous titles.

    Don't release shitty half assed multiplayer just to get 10% more sales.
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    Did you even put one hour into any multiplayer on any farcry?

    you never did anything like this?
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    I probably played an hour exactly on multiplayer... lol...I clocked in like 30-40 hrs in singleplayer in FC2. I'm not in here for an argument, not going to waste my time. The game has been getting great reviews from metacritic and I just beat the game, so I am unsure as to what exactly you are playing. Just because the game doesn't have a specific mode or whatever you like doesn't mean its a bad game at all. Also, to buy a game specifically for multiplayer... come on. Especially Far Cry.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    I liked FC2's single player also. And they did it with a great multiplayer. I wan't to know why they didn't do the same this time. I bought instincts predator because a friend told me about the multiplayer, I bought FC2 based on my instincts MP experience. Was never disappointed with either.

    lol@ "a specific mode"

    Yea you never played multiplayer so you wouldn't know :(
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    Ehh.... I don't rely on just multi-player to enjoy and buy games.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    Problem is for me to get a reaction out of single player I need to have a few hours free. 60% of the time it feels like a chore.

    Everything is funner with a friend. Speaking of, the coop was shit. Why couldn't me and a friend go around and capture outposts and do the same crap as in single player but together? You don't even need to write a character in, just have me play as an ally warrior guy. Games that do this are always amazing because they don't have to focus on a different coop campaign.
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    Fair enough. Well that's all folks! It was fun Frell haha :)
  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    I cant believe how bad the trailers made this game look. Its actually amazing!

    The ending really messed with my mind.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11

    But why dont you enjoy multiplayer? Obviously not the repetitive parts, but the freedom and customization that was available in farcry made it different from any other game
  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    I admit that when I take a step back and think about the gameplay, it WAS really repetitive, but for this game only, it didn't bother me at all. I loved taking over outposts and hunting random animals for new gear. Seriously, this is like my fav game of the year. I really like the German guy too.
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    A vid on the rigging/animation in FC3 if anyone's interested:


    Skip to around 46mins.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    Ark wrote: »

    oops! I thought that was just about the trailer, didn't notice it had gone into gameplay discussion. er, I'll see if I can figure out this thread merge thing
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