the clothing folds really need some more work (pants especially) they look like you just guessed how they should look and they don't look natural at all
Would love to see some concepts. Other than that, the thing that jumps out at me the most is the pant wrinkles. I don't imagine the wrinkles to be that large and loose, more sharp and tight I'd think. Crotchal region seems to be riding a little low. But yes, otherwise good stuff!
Hey guys here is an update, haven't had much time to work on it, but I reworked some of the folds in clothing and now he has a head. I added some gloves to his hands, thanks for the responses guys. I really appreciate it, and sorry I am not working from a concept currently.
I like this! The shirt is looking good to me, but the pants are still looking a bit strange, like it's really tight in the crotch haha. I would definitely try to find a reference for the pants! Looks great though with the added head and gloves.
Yeah I keep looking at images of slacks, but I am having a hard time capturing the way slacks actually flow, so for now I am just frustrated with them, and attempted to light them on fire virtually. He also has a hat now, and a crowbar, but I'll post that update later when I have them a bit more fleshed out. I'll keep hammering the pants. Thanks for the crit.
Well he's taking shape. I done a quick little paint over to get the main creases flow across to you. Try not to let lose clothing appear to tight on a character. Let its bulge out in places to add an interesting silhouette to the piece.
Looks pretty cool! I like the arms and hands. Working nicely. Proportionally his head is looking a little small to me. But if you're going for the more super hero proportions then it's fair enough I suppose.
Thanks for the support and crits guys. You are the driving force on this project. Ran into a few technical bumps this weekend, but I am gonna keep plugging on it.