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[Portfolio] Lefebvre Jonathan Envi artist

polycounter lvl 6
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Dolmen polycounter lvl 6
Hi everyone,

My name is Jonathan Lefebvre, I'm recently graduated from a Belgian CG school.
My goal now is to find a job and working as a environment artist in the game industry.

So, I really need to improve my works (and my portfolio presentation), and I would like some advice and feedbacks.

What do you thinks ?


Thanks a lot in advance.

Dolmen (JL)


  • megalmn2000
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    megalmn2000 polycounter lvl 13
    Hum...I guess you should take out the word "2D" in your title. You're a 3D artist, as I guess. WIP should go out, or at least you finish them. Recruiters don't like to see unfinished pieces of work. Don't forget to show your making of, so show your total scene triangle count (ex : 10, 000 tris), your texture size (ex: 1024 per mesh) and your texture sheet file.
  • Dolmen
    Offline / Send Message
    Dolmen polycounter lvl 6
    Hi, thanks megalmn2000, I have made little changes.
    And change the title in "3D Game Artist".
    It is more general.
    And I will sort my textures and show in some.

    Thanks for these advices. :)
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