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Optimize the Scene

hey guys im currently working on a scene, its abput 86,000 polys and im using the parti volume shader... the render times are brutal... do you guys kno how i can optimize this scene?



  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Kind of hard to give input on how to optimize without wireframes. That particular scene looks like it'd be no more than a few thousand triangles though.
  • tremulant
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    tremulant polycounter lvl 17
    I honestly have no idea how you could have that many polys in this scene.

    One way to optimize would be to look at the lanterns. I'm willing to bet they are loaded with polys. Am I right? Show a wireframe of your scene and we can get a better idea of where you could optimize.

    Also, this volumetric lighting effect isn't looking very natural. You also have no bounce lighting in your scene which is creating a really blown out image. Try squinting your eyes and you will see what I mean.

    If you could let us know the purpose of the scene, I'm sure you could get more helpful comments.
  • KareemisEgyptian
    Yea the lanters are i believe a 1000 thousands poly each, I will check when I get home. (Do you guys think i should throw the pro-optimizer on them? I think im going 2) . The shot is probably really only 15 to 20,000 thouasand polys . The rest of the the entities are off camera in this shot. Or where not created yet. As for the Volume light , I was going for a more stylized look but , Ill shoot some more white into it ,and give it a whirl. I do have 2 bounce lights ,but I think the parti volume shader is sucking the light out of the scene. I'm not sure what I should adjust to compensate for the loss of light. I dont think its the extinction , maybe the scatter color.

    When I render the scene without parti volume it renders in about 2 minutes max.

    Thanks guys for the feedback

    I'll get some wireframes up when I get a chance.
    As for the purpose of a the scene, is just a stylized tavern setting. Ill probably eventually have it fully completed ,and maybe some character animations going on in the inside.
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    Your render times are taking forever because of your lighting, not your geo. Anytime you use volumetric/bounce lighting and thinks like that, your going to have to wait for the lighting to calculate. Same thing with raytracing and whatnot.

    That said, 80k is just ridiculous for this scene. Show us some wireframes so we can see what your individual pieces look like.
  • KareemisEgyptian


    The render image was actually about 20,000 polys in the scene. Each Lamp is about 1,500 Polys. to gsokol yea i hear you with the calcualtion of bounce time ... i was hoping there was a way to cheat it or something.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    To be fair, this should be a real time scene in a game engine. Then render time wouldn't be an issue.
  • KareemisEgyptian
    Hey cholden, I was thinking about bringing it into udk at some point. Thanks for the feedback.
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