Final images:

Hullo. Just started a new scene based on a great concept by
Eliott Lilly. First time making an environment and also the first time using an engine, so it's going to be fun.
The blockout:

Highpoly stuff so far:

Trying not to get too bogged down in the detail of my high-poly yet; just getting the majority "there" is kinda a priority. I'm leaving the exterior stuff until I'm happy with the interior. I know my blockouts look kinda glitched, I moved on from the first blockout I did yesterday; so I just used all the high-poly geo without turbosmoothing.
Blockout looks good as does your high poly stuffs! I look forward to more!
Small update:
Not sure whether that area on the right should have the same kinda walls or concrete.
Are you gonna do the vehicle as well?
I'm pretty confident that if I knuckle down I can get it all done though... maybe. :poly122:
The front entrance is still narrower than it is in the concept. Not sure whether to lower the height and widen it or leave it as is.
The gate bothers me. A gate of that type has to be held in place with rails. There are no rails for the gate, it's just hanging there. Theoretically, if the gate was down, you could simply push it inward and squeeze into the building.
Not that you'd have to do that anyway because the doorway has no door. I've considered the possibility that it might be an "out-ty" door, but the geometry doesn't work. If the gate keeps intruders from driving off with the car, a door keeps the car from ending up on cinderblocks.
I also have a problem with any "garage" that doesn't have a lift to elevate the car so you can work underneath of it. Look how low that car is to the ground. And this isn't a racetrack -- as evidenced by the guy standing on top of the gas pump manning the howitzer -- so I'm thinking it's more of a mechanic shop in a post-apocalyptic high-gas-price city. It needs a lift.
So just to recap -- rails, door, lift... we can be friends; floppy, nothing, smooth... I will post a scowling unhappy face.
As for the lift thing - I wasn't too worried about that right now because it's been left until last. However, I was thinking of implementing something along the lines that is in another of Lilly's concepts:
And lastly the door - originally I wasn't going to include it at all in case I didn't have time to finish the outside, so I wouldn't need to worry about seeing that area. I changed it and added it though because the image felt off in that area. I'll have to figure out some kind of suitable door for that area.
Thanks for the feedback man!
Actually, this new image isn't another Lilly concept -- it's a redo with several corrections and changes. I'm sure Lilly has a prick friend like me who likes to run his or her mouth.
Some of these lows will change when baking, and some of the highs will be sculpted for dents etc.
I've baked some of the main structure pieces, such as the large metal... things, girders and the door/rims. I added in the pit, door (although I'll probably have the door open) and sections for the front shutter so LW3 will still be my friend. I did want add in that fancy lift, but it obscured too much stuff.
Anyway, images!
The pillars look a bit bare, as do the upper supports, I'm sure texture can cover that as the concept is a bit blurred on those areas.
Is this going to be viewed from any other angles?
check these settings out for CE if youre interested too viewtopic.php?p=316529#p316529
Thanks for the link Macattackk! I'm sorting out some of the general colour/lighting and stuff right now, so that's super useful, cheers.
Need to do something with the windows because they'd affect the lighting a lot.
Also the textures, which are pretty rough at the moment. Not too much localised detail going on, and some stuff not very well placed. But no point in hiding them.
It's getting together pretty well that is.
I've been finishing up some weapons this weekend, but I'll have a chance to work on this more during the week.
After starting back on it last month I've had a few technical issues, monitors straight up breaking, no internet and some really odd issues with the engine; and I'm also in the process of moving. I decided that seeing as I hadn't made that much progress in terms of texturing to at least correct the mistakes I'd made. So I went back and fixed a whole bunch of stuff and started with a new scene in 3.4 (I had some odd issues with the old scene coming from 3.3.8 to 3.3.9 to 3.4). Anyway, images yeah?
Great progress though! Looking forward to seeing the entire environment!
Off the concept it looks like the lighting will be the toughest thing to it well and this will turn out great!
Trying to figure out what that water-type thing is near the stairs. Can't decide between a fountain or hand-wash basin. Odd coloured water.