Hey guys!
Just thought I'd make a thread for a scene I'm working on. I'll update this regularly to show progress and to show you guys what I'm working on.
It's a scene based on this really nice piece of concept art by Tuomas Korpi. I'm not sure exactly what the concept was intended for, but I love it

Please note however, this concept is merely inspiration, and I'm not intending to re-create it exactly. It just spurred me on to create a similar environment!

I am also learning Cryengine whilst making this scene, so it's going to be a long process. My ultimate aim with this project is to properly learn Cryengine, and so far I'm loving it. It's such a powerful engine!
I wanted to just dive in and learn Cryengine and put down a few props I made, but I think I need to take a step back and plan the island out a bit. I'll hopefully detail a lot of this island and make it a really immersive, exploration-type environment that you guys can play.
Here are a few shots of what I have so far.

And a few props I've made so far:

And I started making a bit of foliage too. Still very WIP! Need to explore the CE2 foliage a bit more

I'll hopefully have regular updates here for you guys, but it is kinda hard to find the time to work after working 9-5.30!
Any crits or suggestions, fire away!
Edit - Here's the latest update after a few months work. Thanks to everyone who helped!

I'm going to spend the next few days blocking out lots of assets and placing them in the scene, as Helder Pinto suggested I do. It will be a lot less overwhelming in the long run, as I'm only able to work on this after work.
And yeah, you're right about the chalkboard specular. It's fixed now.
I started blocking out a moped tonight:
Here's one last shot before bed. Time to play some Pokemon White in bed
I toned down the spec a bit on the chalkboard, good point
I'm going to continue to block out this scene with a few more assets until the end of this weekend, then I'm going to do lots of foliage, decals and rocks to dot around the scene and populate the beach a bit more.
As much as I love the concept, it is quite easy to just make a concept in 3D, and it's not very challenging. I want to push myself and create a nice environment to compliment the lovely concept art.
Here's a few more blocked out assets:
Looks cool though, I'll be following this one
I'm not sure whether to make it more deserted, or more populated, yet. As long as I have a good base, I can take it either way.
Thanks Olli, I'll tweak the vert colours.
I've mainly been adding stuff to the terrain to make it a bit more 'embedded' and I've been tweaking foliage and existing textures such as the wood on the buildings.
I want to expand this scene and have some different landmarks as well as this hut, to give it a bit of a 'Dear Esther' esque exploration element. It was meant to be a portfolio piece but it's just too much fun...!
Can't wait to see further updates! =]
Now that the island itself is looking more 'dense', I'm going to focus on blocking out the beach bar some more. I've kinda neglected it over the past few weeks!
Been working on some more atmospheric stuff over the past few days, trying to nail that slightly overexposed, just past midday, feel. Also added in a few blockout surfboard textures for a bit of colour.
I really need to stop putting off detailing the bar! Though to be honest, I am thinking of just finalizing the existing assets and using this scene to update my portfolio. I want to work on other things, and I want to explore different parts of the Cryengine that I can't really with this environment.
By the way, I've just noticed something. My secondary monitor completely washes out these images, takes out all the contrast... I always view screenshots on my right screen, and use my main monitor for art stuff. Do these images look normal contrast to you guys, or do they look washed out? Hmmmm.
Gonna get that moped sorted out this weekend!
I also noticed that somebody else is working on this same scene, based on the same concept art haha. It is a nice concept though
Thanks Stu! Nice spot, I fixed that last night.
Been working on some decals for the building, and finishing up various textures here and there. I'll work on the moped over the next few days, then I'm going to find a nicer screenshot location with better composition, then I can call it done for now!
I have a few more ideas hanging around in my head for new scenes, but I want to spend a few weeks honing my 2D concepting skills, and properly learn Cryengine!
Didn't want to spend ages on this, it's a fairly small asset in the scene so I just wanted to give the overall impression of a moped. For all you moped aficionados, take the model with a pinch of salt!
Next step - Texturing! Fun times.