Hi polycount artist's, this sculpt started out as a speed sculpt, I had some really useful crits and ive decided to create him a body after the tweaks I made , something sc-fi based of course ive got my own ideas of what to create but I wanted to ask the community what you can suggest.
I concepted a few very rough drawings in photoshop, Im thinking that a nomadic peacefull design contrasting his predatory face. Crits please
Looking cool so far, reminds me of enemy mine for some reason :P
I would recommend spending a bit of time thinking up the conditions of the world he lives on. Especially since you said he is a nomad. The world he lives in will end up defining his looks and gear. Good start so far tho. I'll be watching for updates.
Artquest thank you and I love that film wasnt intentional to look like them. I was wanting some sort of mech armour of some kind mixed with robes over the top, hinting at what he once was e.g warrior but got tired of the constant battles. so the armour you can see would look battered, I dont know why but a desert environment comes to mind maybe like tattooine
Artquest had a nosy around your site really like your stuff, theres a drawing uve done that would look great in 3d its of an alien wizard type creature with energy coming out of his hands. very cool :thumbup:
I think the biggest issue you are having with this guys face is that you started to build up some decent primary forms, then kinda skipped over the secondary forms going straight into tertiary detailing. You say his face is predatory, but I'm just not seeing it. Maybe if you incorporate some more reptilian influences? I also don't really understand why there are just a few scales near the ear thing that kinda just fade out.
If you are going for a character who is tired of battling, I'd say give him more of a battlehardened wise old man look, especially if you've got some robes thrown in the mix.
Here is a bust I came across earlier today that seems to be the direction you might want to head in:
Alien Concept by ~Mojette
I can see what your saying good image uve found btw looks a little to evil for my liking but the datiling is great. and for the scales there was an earlier version that I refined and took out the scales. But adding some wrinkles and more weathered look definately, thank you for the comments very helpfull. I shall evolve and move on :poly124:
Here is an update on the head thanks to some comments ive added some wrinkle details, trying to make him seem more wise and weary. Im hoping to pin down his body design before I proceed. I have a number of weeks in my free time to finish this project. CC welcome
I think the biggest issue you are having with this guys face is that you started to build up some decent primary forms, then kinda skipped over the secondary forms going straight into tertiary detailing.
I think this is super valuable feedback, that you could still benefit from addressing.
He's talking about the facial features. You're sticking close enough to human facial structure so you need to make sure they're in the right places and look right. And look for some reptilian human references if that is what you're going for. On top of that here's some crits:
-He doesn't have eyelids, they're just eyes set into holes on the head, how would he blink?
-His cheekbones are too low on the face and look odd. The cheek bone borders the eye socket on the bottom
-He has no chin
-His lips need some love too
-And step down in subdiv levels, you're focusing too much on details while your large and medium forms are off
Conrad, you definitely missed sketch part. You just can't imagine the face of your creature in details, that's why it looks like a mess. Try to use some references.
Ok sukotto i have done another pass over the eyelids cant believ i forgot those, higherd his cheekbones gave him more of a chin and added a bit more to the lips. Now there only subtle changes
Been a while since I last posted any work on this guy, I have been doing other projects. But I have been working on the costume designs, a little background story so you know where im aiming for. Warrior turned monk/priest peacefull character. seen to much of war, yoda type I was thinking panthro plus yoda. funtional atire, inspred by japanese warrior priests, star wars, tron, and mass effect. ive done some pretty rough hand drawn sketches, then tried some clothing pieces on the mesh. heres what ive got as always crtique away.
I would recommend spending a bit of time thinking up the conditions of the world he lives on. Especially since you said he is a nomad. The world he lives in will end up defining his looks and gear. Good start so far tho.
If you are going for a character who is tired of battling, I'd say give him more of a battlehardened wise old man look, especially if you've got some robes thrown in the mix.
Here is a bust I came across earlier today that seems to be the direction you might want to head in:
Alien Concept by ~Mojette
I think this is super valuable feedback, that you could still benefit from addressing.
-He doesn't have eyelids, they're just eyes set into holes on the head, how would he blink?
-His cheekbones are too low on the face and look odd. The cheek bone borders the eye socket on the bottom
-He has no chin
-His lips need some love too
-And step down in subdiv levels, you're focusing too much on details while your large and medium forms are off
Been a while since I last posted any work on this guy, I have been doing other projects. But I have been working on the costume designs, a little background story so you know where im aiming for. Warrior turned monk/priest peacefull character. seen to much of war, yoda type I was thinking panthro plus yoda. funtional atire, inspred by japanese warrior priests, star wars, tron, and mass effect. ive done some pretty rough hand drawn sketches, then tried some clothing pieces on the mesh. heres what ive got as always crtique away.