I fixed the black marks by playing around with the 'Edit normals' in 3DS max, Changed the single planes and made each plane intersect in a circle and played around with the material adding 'non directional' lighting and colour instance to try and blend with the floor, provides a better result but still not what i was after , image below is without a rebuild, so im expecting bad things when i click it haha
if anyway can help that would be really awesome thank you.
This is really nice work! I have some questions and some comments.
Are you planning on the outside being an area that you just see from inside or are you planning for it to be explorable by the player?
Either way the outdoor part of the scene could use some trees, bushes, varied terrain, and distant land marks. I know you aren't finished yet, and in no way am I saying this is bad work, but if you put a shot of the interior next to a shot of the exterior I think people would wonder if the work was done by the same person. You just need to elevate the level of detail of the outside to the same level as the inside.
If you plan for the player/camera to explore the outside areas around the building you will need to include a lot more of those types of landscaping details and props, but if you are just planning for it to be something seen from within the building, you could get away with only a few trees and maybe a wall surrounding the grounds.
Also, I'm not sure if I've ever seen a church with headstones that close to the building. Usually they are off to the side or out back, and a short walk away from the building.
thanks for the feedback guys , ermm i want it to be explorable, or just a small area where the player and just walk around, and i know how you mean about the landscape, i really struggled getting something i liked and i know its far from correct.
the problem is this environment needs to be ready by the 24th, so i don't think everything is going to be done especially things such as trees but i just want have something like a small area such as a graveyard with fences that the player can walk around in.
the gravestone are just there for testing these are going to be moved , This is the kind of screen i wanna go for
yeah something needs to go there defiantly :P ill have a play around I've moved on to improving the church now, only 2 days to go till im showing it off too the big mens !, still got a tower and a lot of tweaking to go :P
ill post an update soon, just waiting on a lighting rebuild :P
As @underfox said, some ground-level fog would look wonderful!
You could make it using a combination of a FogVolumeLinearHalfspaceDensityInfo actor and some nice cloudy particles
need some real help getting the outside looking, good at the minute im getting black marks in the grass, and it doesn't seem to blend well.
if anyway can help that would be really awesome
Are you planning on the outside being an area that you just see from inside or are you planning for it to be explorable by the player?
Either way the outdoor part of the scene could use some trees, bushes, varied terrain, and distant land marks. I know you aren't finished yet, and in no way am I saying this is bad work, but if you put a shot of the interior next to a shot of the exterior I think people would wonder if the work was done by the same person. You just need to elevate the level of detail of the outside to the same level as the inside.
If you plan for the player/camera to explore the outside areas around the building you will need to include a lot more of those types of landscaping details and props, but if you are just planning for it to be something seen from within the building, you could get away with only a few trees and maybe a wall surrounding the grounds.
Also, I'm not sure if I've ever seen a church with headstones that close to the building. Usually they are off to the side or out back, and a short walk away from the building.
the problem is this environment needs to be ready by the 24th, so i don't think everything is going to be done especially things such as trees but i just want have something like a small area such as a graveyard with fences that the player can walk around in.
the gravestone are just there for testing these are going to be moved
You could try varying the terrain a bit more though - perhaps some small hills close to the church to block off the view to the horizon would help?
ill post an update soon, just waiting on a lighting rebuild :P
Looking good though
You could make it using a combination of a FogVolumeLinearHalfspaceDensityInfo actor and some nice cloudy particles
just working on the tower