Hey Polycount!
I've spent quite a bit of time on the site (it's my homepage

) and I figured it's about time I posted some work!
I decided to make an old coke vending machine because it's such an icon in American history and it would give me the chance to really push my texture work. Any crits are welcome (and encouraged!) as it's not quite done and I want improve as much as possible.
Latest Update (SketchFab!):

No Post Processing

Your shadows are purplish. Is this a style thing?
I tweaked the saturation to bring out the reds more, I also scaled up the front logo and tweaked some of the decal sizes to try to make it look a bit wider.
the main concept image:
Also, some pieces look like plastic but are supposed to be metal.
@Purple shadows, shadows are never just black, same as lights which are never just white.
Purple is actually the complementary to sunlight which is physically accurate.