We'll start by just drawing a piece everyday, and it can be digital or traditional. Then we'll start to work in some sweet themes to challenge ourselfs! ex. robots, chicks etc.
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Some Character Sketches inspired by an Indie game Exodus developed by Galhmac game Studio
Like the character stuff Ocarian!
I'm back from 1 month of fever, been completely out of the loop
but now it's time to get drawing again!
Here's another "rag-tag"
More stuff from me:
Ahhhhhh should have put the mech further into the background.
I tried something a little crazier this time with my sketch from a few pages ago. I probably should've been a bit more definite on my light sources though. I tried to avoid using soft brushes and I find that I tend to over use them.
Working on characters.
DEElekgolo: interesting sketches man!
Here's another google hangout doodle.
doodlin' away!
1 hour
Here's my first attempt at digital sketching...well not totally true, I did a penis giraffe at work but this is the first one I'm going to share with the world :poly124:
Allan-p: you are really getting good with that style, nice use of colors aswell!
Here is my beat up Mario portrait
Here are some sketchbookpages from me.
there's heaps more over on my tumblr, if anyone's interested. www.jensalarsenaas.tumblr.com
Super doodle again from google hangout.
Some warm up sketches from me.
Nice to meet you guys.
Love those heads Fightpunch
Also, welcome Sinnelius!
Here's another one with these colors
Super generic haha
quite fun to draw though
A civ-cop!
Value sketch of an environment concept:
Did this one yesterday and thought I would post it. Might make a sketchbook soon.
did this at lunch with his picture on the other monitor, hopefully people can tell who it is haha
Sorry guys, havent posten in a while, been busy with parkour and ze outside. so here goes:
Collab with Kunal Luthra