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KT-s747 (ZBrush Pistol)



  • JoshC
    NOW THAT is an awesome pistol. BAKE IT!!! :D
  • s6
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    s6 polycounter lvl 10
    :) Still a bit of work yet to do. The scope mounts need to be redone to fit the new rail, I want to make the piece that attaches to the frame a little more interesting. Need to add all the random bolts and hardware to everything. Flashlight lense. Hammer Assembly. And add some kind of grip to the end of the slide. The new rail gets in the way of racking the gun a bit. So I'm going to make an AR styled "Charge Handel".

    Glad you guys like it though :) And keep in mind, Even when the HP is done i have to trace every piece for the LP. Wont take too long, But still some work left to be don't before the bake.
  • s6
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    s6 polycounter lvl 10
    Little update:

    By s620 at 2012-02-15

    By s620 at 2012-02-15

    By s620 at 2012-02-15

    By s620 at 2012-02-15
  • s6
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    s6 polycounter lvl 10
    Sense were getting close to that point, I'd like your guys feedback on how i should bake.

    Max? Or Xnormal? any good references or tutorials for the bake? i've bake things before, But i want to ensure i do it the best way possible.

    Thanks in advance. I'll search around the forum a bit and see if i see any good bake threads.
  • AlecMoody
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    AlecMoody ngon master
    what are you looking to display the final model in? I find baking in max to be way easier than xnormal. Getting an averaged cage projection isn't a hassle and the "hit only matching material ID" feature is awesome.

    I recorded a baking tutorial for 3dmotive last year:

    Edit- how dense is your zbrush mesh? It might be too heavy to bake in max/maya and require you to use xnormal. I have had mixed results with baking these types of meshes when they are decimated.
  • s6
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    s6 polycounter lvl 10
    Man, I'd like to watch that whole thing, But i can't afford to buy it atm :(

    My zbrush mesh is very, Very dense. 25 .1 Million dense :) I can decimate to about 20% of what I'm at now(that's the percent they say you can go down to and not loose any detail). So i think i could manage max. Even if i had to do a handful of different bakes, Then piece together the maps. Its just a question of results really. However the best way to do it is, Is the way i want to do it. Whether it be hard and long or fast an easy.

    and the end game here is for the model to go into a game me and a friend are casually working on.
  • s6
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    s6 polycounter lvl 10
    So question on the LP for anyone who can answer, How accurate does it need to be to get the best bake result? If i have faces outside the HP, With they rays cast and just not grab anything? Should the entire LP be within the HP? (Green is LP in the picture below, in case it isn't obvious) Thanks in advance


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  • AlecMoody
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    AlecMoody ngon master
    Neither mesh should be larger or surrounding the other. You want the closest match between meshes possible.

    The lowpoly looks really messy right now and it's going to cause baking problems. Especially the triangulation at the top of the grip.

    Also, what engine is your game going to be running on? If possible you should use a baking software with a matching tangent basis to your engine.
  • s6
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    s6 polycounter lvl 10
    Unreal. And i thought triangles were OK in unreal? or is it more for the sake of baking cleanly?
  • AlecMoody
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    AlecMoody ngon master
    triangles are good- the the triangle fan and that section not being correctly flattened is what won't work well.
  • s6
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    s6 polycounter lvl 10
    alright, I'll change that :) Anything else i should know? for unwraps and other topology/baking related things?
  • AlecMoody
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    AlecMoody ngon master
    The big one for tangent basis mismatched pipelines (like unreal) is that flat surfaces should be on their own smoothing group and have their own UV islands with padding around them. The rule is smoothing splits must have UV splits + padding but UV splits do not necessarily need smoothing splits.
  • SaferDan
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    SaferDan polycounter lvl 14
    Hey man just a few suggestions. This is what I would do anyway.

    The green lines are the new go I would suggest, the blue line is one I think you could do with deleting and so are the pink ones!

    These are just suggestions though there is probably a better way to go about it but Like I said that's what I would do!

  • s6
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    s6 polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks for tips guys :) on mobile atm, but when I'm at the computer ill definitely be fixing it! Anymore advice anyone has, please don't be shy :)
  • s6
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    s6 polycounter lvl 10
    Little update on the LP:

    By s620 at 2012-02-16

    By s620 at 2012-02-16
  • s6
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    s6 polycounter lvl 10


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    If anyone is wondering, Its going slow because I'm dragging my a** on it :) not because its a slow workflow.
  • s6
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    s6 polycounter lvl 10
    Most of the base model in unwrapped. Still have a few pieces for the base to be retopologized and mapped. Then it will be on to all the attachments which will have separate texture maps so the texture space isn't active while they aren't active in game.


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  • s6
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    s6 polycounter lvl 10
    Still working on this :) Bake went semi poorly, So i'm still fighting with that. No use posting pics, Cause its not very apealing ATM :p

    But, here is some eye candy. Between yesterday night and this morning i worked on doing a melee weapon. texture is still a WIP. Spec will get a lot more love. ATM Its just a tweak and mild paint over of the diffuse.

    By s620 at 2012-02-22

    By s620 at 2012-02-22

    By s620 at 2012-02-23
  • s6
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    s6 polycounter lvl 10
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