Hello Polycount users!
after a loooong discussion with myself, i finally decided to begin on my very first game model!
keep in mind that this is my very first game model, with normal maps!!!! :P
the textures and the udk stuff could be A LOT better, but my focus was the pipeline between 3ds max and udk and generating a normal map!
am i totally on the wrong track or what???

Do you have wires to show to get some feedback on your topology?
i know that 2048 is a little overkill ... but it was mainly for research ... when i begin on some models that i really want to work hard on i will of curse make the textures the right size and all that other stuff ...
are there any major errors in my model ... something that i should try and avoid ect. or is it just alright (just need practice )
I feel like you have a bit to many edges in the "tubes".
I guess if you reduce those down you would cut your tri's down by a lot, this is just pure guessword, but looking at it I almost feel like half or moreof your tri's are in the tubes.
And I don't know if I'm right on this or not, and altough it's not that much geometry, I have a feeling like you could have cut out those 3 large buttons, and the smaller ones on the keypad.
They aren't sticking out that much, so the normal map should be able to take care of those.
And a last small point,
I guess it is because you took the text from a photo, but be carefull with the resolution of it versus the other ones.
For example in yours, there is a big difference between the numbers on the keys, and the text on the "control panel"
Which brings me on to... Do some research into normal maps, things like buttons and small nuts/screws and rounded corners could be normal mapped - thus saving you more tris!
Keep going dude!