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Deus Ex Corridor Scene

Hey Guys,


A while ago i was browsing through some Forums, and someone recreated this Scene :


So some of you will know this scene already, but still, i was pretty much inspired by the Concept-Art and the Game Itself (Deus Ex 3). Well, i decided to recreate the Scene as well a while ago, but i was having a lot of problems with Highpoly-Modeling, and did never finish it. Since then i worked on my Skillset, and about a month ago (01.07.12), I decided to start over, recreate the whole scene, and this time, finish it.

I still need a lot of help to really improve my Workflow, so Crits and Comments are more than welcome! :)

Enough talking:
This is where I'm currently at, the Scene makes use of Spec-,Normal-,Diffuse- and Cubemaps for now. I hope you like what you see :)


Greez Niklas
Project was started on 07_01_2012


  • Cb_ArTs
    Hey Guys, I'm pretty much done with it, some fixes here and there (maybe lower the lens flares especially on the "Blue-version".

    Tell me if you have any critics

    additional info: On the "Red version" the railing was not yet textured, it's textured on the "blue-version", tell me what you think looks better :)

  • Computron
    Offline / Send Message
    Computron polycounter lvl 7
    This scene has been done a million times already, and while the dirty grimmy- ness is pretty unique and different, it doesn't really fit with deus ex. you might want to add a lot more reflective and specular surfaces and some more dramatic lighting rather than have small emissive dots filling the air with diffuse light.
  • Cb_ArTs
    First of all thanks for the critics :)
    That this scene has been done million times already, only shows that it's definately worth a try. I know that dirt/grime doesn't fit with deus ex, and I'm totally with you on that, but i wanted just to orientate on the type of models, my plan from beginning on, was to just create a scene that was inspired by the Deus Ex Concept, not recreate it exactly - sorry if that wasn't clear ;). -> Actually my intention was to create a unique scene.

    More Ref-/Specsurfaces would be a good idea, I just don't know if it really fits to the scene, I wanted this "worn metal-style", and I think too much reflection would contradict here.

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