Hey all. Started working on an environment for my portfolio based on this
concept art by Atomhawk Design. Been working away at the blockout and think I got most of it to scale. Though fresh eyes always help. I took some artistic liberty in changing the concept up a bit. I liked the idea of a subway and how it would affect the lighting in the environment.
EDIT: the strange lighting stuff is probably due to be not having any lightmaps and stuff.
As mentioned, the lighting is going to be a very key point (it really is in all environments), but also keep the background in mind. I'd like to see what you end up doing here.
Good luck!
Any crits and feedback would be awesome especially on dealing with the background. No clue what Im going to try there. I think I might try going for a more silhouette approach and giving hints at the forms and features back there.
@fearian: Yeah I think I'm going to go down that route (plus saves time and texturing space). Definitely going to add a truck and bring a more cyberpunk/futuristic look to the top city. Also need to sculpt some cracks and stuff for the road to use as decals to bring some stuff into the foreground.
Also consider this: JJ Abrams makes great movies. Star Trek, Cloverfield, a third one? All amazing. And what do they all have in common? I think you're beginning to catch on here.
All I'm saying is slap some LF on those lights and this will be a better movie than Star Trek.
Lens flare is caused by reflections between the bits of glass in a lens. Eyes don't have multiple lenses so you can't get lens flare with raw vision.
You are thinking of starring which is not the same thing.