I know I've spotted that several of us on these forums are using Unity on a pretty regular basis for side projects, work and other things. I just was wondering who all in total is using it currently to make games either at work or for fun as side projects. I myself have been using it since last year and am using it for side projects making games on the iOS platform mainly targeting iPad / iPad2. I've been mainly learning and using C# for all scripting/code work, art via 3DS Max and Photoshop. It would be nice to know who all else is doing projects using it and get a better idea of how big that sub community is within Polycount.
Edit: Though Unity is no slouch on the art side. I do love using Strumpy Shader Editor and beast lightmapping.
I'm creating this little game with a space ship seen from top view. Like Ikaruga. For Now I have flying, shooting bullets/rockets, flying asteroids , scrolling background and collisions coded. Its super fun to learn programming with Unity. Documentation is great too.
Didn't use Unity for strictly art purposes.
I still mess with it for fun sometimes...just because throwing somebody a web build of an environment or something is such an awesome feature.
I'm taking baby steps towards making small games using Unity. Goal for this year is ten packs in the asset store and one game prototyped.
Made a racing game for end-of-uni project as part of small team. In the next few weeks we might be having a competition.
download at slipstreamgame.com
Thread is here:
Who knows where it'll go, in the meantime just trying to develope decent programming skills and in the long run deliver professional quality art assets to boot.
I'll be using Unity for my latest personal project as well.
I am very happy with the amount I've made (so far) but that might be different for someone else. I think you can definitely use it for a nice side income. No complaints from me and Unity is very easy to deal with.
I think the best test is to make something of good quality and put it on the store.
It's also mostly the engine of choice for a lot of our game jams and indie stuff because of how quickly you can prototype stuff, and how, when it's done, you can port it to several different platforms.
I'm working with Micheal Dashow on MageMaze for a while now outside our day jerbs, and we're finally getting there with all the pieces coming together.
Elyaradine: Bladeslinger looks amazing! Another kickass job from Luma Arcade.
I love the look of that game! shame I ditched my old 3G for an android phone
and they should team up with strumpy and implement his shader editor.
The guy that made strumpy works at Unity. He made it as a side project, but they really should incorporate it.
I also currently work on a UDK mobile game and i more and more regret choosing that engine. Its just a too chunky beast for mobile it seems. Unity can run well on 1st gen devices and the engines performance gets better with every release. The mobile Unreal engine on the other hand didnt got a single performance improvement in its one year of existence, it only got worse! At this time its very hard to get a game run smooth on the 4th gen devices, not to mention the strange crashes that can happen on 256mb ram devices. Its really a shame where the engine has some great easy to use features and i love to work with kismet.
If you want to make a 3d mobile game Unity is definately the engine too chose IMO. Im still hoping though that the mobile unreal engine gets a significant performance improvement in one of its many releases.
After a few weeks of working on Unity I came back to UDK and it's going much better. While Unity is a bit limited, I really like it because it's easy to use and not as tedious as UDK. The result is not the same of course but I'm enjoying Unity a lot more than UDK.
Congrats on releasing a quality little game! and totally agree about unity, it is a little annoying to make 2D games/ui in it, lots of plugins etc :P
I love love love unity btw, best game engine I've ever worked with by far!
never used it personally, but seems pretty hawt stuff.
Slightly offtrack here, but have you tried using Brady's tools for UIs and 2D games? Our game (entirely 2D) makes exclusive use of SpriteManager, and it absolutely rocks.
It's not the best tool out there for UIs and 2D games imho, but it sure as hell beats manually setting up your button meshes, or packing a sprite sheet, and other related 2D manual labor.
I'm also using, not doing much though, just messing around.
yup thats what we use too. Its quite easy to get your spritesheets messed up though, especially when there is more than one of you working on level assets.
Maybe you should try locking the asset via version control to yourself before you build? And commit/unlock it when you're done.
TelekineticFrog: A unity dedicated sticky would be cool yes.
I've also been doing some freelance texture work for a unity game.
Yeah versions helps but not enough when there are multiple level builders. Sometimes we have 4 of us on one project and its a real pain to bring it all together in the end. Hopefully unity will have better collaboration in the future, we almost always find script settings or materials have changed or links been lost when we hand packages, prefabs or unity files to eachother. Luckily its usually fairly simple to put back the way it should be, just laborious if there is a lot of content.
Just out of curiousity how long do you guys take to make a game like that from concept/prototype to full release? We often only get 2 to 3 months to make a mobile game where I work.
We made this for the Flash in a Flash contest where you had to make a flash game with their new beta flash player build in 14 days. Actual time spent on it was even less than that, so there's a lot of stuff we wanted to add+polish but didn't have the time to(yet), and since it was the beta build there might be slowdowns in firefox (try another browser if it happens) plus it won't run on onboard cards...Um yeah enough excuses, give it a try @ http://lvl7.de/chaoscomet.html and enjoy
Ill keep working hard on this to make it a full game which won't be suffering from the current flash player beta issues and have a lot more to offer
Comments are always appreciated ~