I've been posting some tests in the WAYWO, figured at a decent point to start a thread.
The car is around 13k tris right now, I want to get it down to ~10k and I still need to add the seam bevels. I'm going to no normal maps on this guy besides maybe some in the interior...
Its going to be part of a larger environment, more updates coming soon, once I get this baby into udk.
Oh and um... tires.
Kinda got some waviness going on, may fix that latter if its a problem in the final scene.
anyway strong start, keep going.
Good work so far!
I didn't have much free time tonight, but I figured I'd let you know where I'm going with this scene, I'll definitely play with the rims once I got the car put together in udk.
The truck was actually a fun challenge, something different that could end up in my portfolio.
Firs have very few needles on the main stems, only a bunch on the "capillary" stems. Also you'll want a lot less needles because this will filter out to a solid silhouette when you get it made into a full bush/tree.
You were right on the branch, I threw it into udk and it was way too solid once you started to back up, the needles are a bit thinner with the alpha map than they look because of the blur, so I was able to make it okay but tweaking the alpha and the mask clip value, but I'm definitely going to do one more bake once I get a whole tree in udk and see whats working and whats not.
I know the trash on the ground is way too big right now, my main concern right now is filling up the scene and getting a good composition and an extra working angle or 2.
Also I want to get some subtle animations going on, I plan on having dripping water and a puddle, animated grass and swaying telephone pole wires and trees.
Laying out the streets and such so I can finish blocking it out and start adding in trees and such. I realize I need a lot more poles now...
I have a functioning baked stoplight I'll have to show off once I get the actual models thrown in. it gives a nice slight color bounce to the car, also I animated the telephone phone wires with the wind modifier.
Also there's some tiny geometry fixes that need to happen with the grill plate and wheel wells.
I'm going to try to finish the truck this weekend to add to my portfolio, then back to udk