A normal is a normalized vector that indicates the facing direction of a point of 3d data (vertex, face, whatever). The 'normal' of the palm of your hand, for example, extends straight up, as if you were balancing a pencil or umbrella in your palm.
The normal lets us know which direction something is facing, so we can compare that direction with the direction of the light and calculate how much light it receives. We also use it to determine if it is facing us, if it is at the proper angle for a specular reflection, cube map reflection, etc, etc.
Typically, we store a normal with each vertex, and average the results of these across the surface of a triangle.
A normal map, then, is storing a series of normals at a texel level - whereas usually a triangle only has 3 possible normals, we can have many normals across it's surface if we use a map that has a normal stored in each pixel in it (each pixel, when translated into 3d space, is called a texel - a texture pixel, differentiating it from a screen pixel).
You'll remember that we are typically only storing normals at the vertex level, so in a 5,000 vertex model you've only got 5,000 potential directional inputs. In a 256x256 texture map, you've got 65,356 potential directional inputs (assuming you mapped every pixel to the model) which is obviously exponentially greater. A 1024x1024 map has over 1,000,000 potential directional inputs.
So basically, by storing normals at a texel level instead of a vertex level, we can get the illusion of having a 1 million vertex model.
And so, now understanding that "Normal" in 3d has nothing to do with the term "Normal" meaning "conforming to the standard or common type," we realize that "abnormal map" is a meaningless term and the kind of shitty joke my dad makes.
Some people caught what I was saying. I waS asking why a normal map is called a normal map. I already know what a normal map is. The answer was already stated...
Some people caught what I was saying. I waS asking why a normal map is called a normal map. I already know what a normal map is. The answer was already stated...
but if you know what it is and what it's function is, then you should understand why it's called that.
but if you know what it is and what it's function is, then you should understand why it's called that.
Unless his problem is the fact that he thinks the "normal" in "normal map" refers to the "regular" meaning of normal rather than the mathematical one, and is struggling with changing the way he thinks.
Or, he isn't as dumb as he is making himself appear, and is actually trying to make a "clever" joke as if no one in this community knew there were multiple meanings for the word "normal".
Actually, that would make him dumber than he appears. Appropriate thread title either way.
Question is, what properties does this hot-dog have? Am I using the law of constant and transfer, where nothing is destroyed, only transferred, so I'm essentially eating myself to a chewed out form with the same amount of atoms as I started out?
Or am I following the rule of low-transfer, where I'm eating myself, and am about to blow up due to ingestion, essentially putting myself in a gutted state.
Hot as in sexy or hot as in temperature wise? If you're talking sexy, usually an increase in sexiness leads to an increase in desire to eat. If you're talking temperature though, be careful! You don't want to burn your tum tums!
or a Parallax map? maybe?!?
The normal lets us know which direction something is facing, so we can compare that direction with the direction of the light and calculate how much light it receives. We also use it to determine if it is facing us, if it is at the proper angle for a specular reflection, cube map reflection, etc, etc.
Typically, we store a normal with each vertex, and average the results of these across the surface of a triangle.
A normal map, then, is storing a series of normals at a texel level - whereas usually a triangle only has 3 possible normals, we can have many normals across it's surface if we use a map that has a normal stored in each pixel in it (each pixel, when translated into 3d space, is called a texel - a texture pixel, differentiating it from a screen pixel).
You'll remember that we are typically only storing normals at the vertex level, so in a 5,000 vertex model you've only got 5,000 potential directional inputs. In a 256x256 texture map, you've got 65,356 potential directional inputs (assuming you mapped every pixel to the model) which is obviously exponentially greater. A 1024x1024 map has over 1,000,000 potential directional inputs.
So basically, by storing normals at a texel level instead of a vertex level, we can get the illusion of having a 1 million vertex model.
And so, now understanding that "Normal" in 3d has nothing to do with the term "Normal" meaning "conforming to the standard or common type," we realize that "abnormal map" is a meaningless term and the kind of shitty joke my dad makes.
That's so unlike you RJBonner (sigh)... are you feeling ok?
Circus map more like it, considering the hoops you need to jump through to make one.
Yeah, that is a dumb question.
You could have easily googled the answer to that. Or you could have looked here at the wiki.
Abnormal maps are the ones with the inverted green channel.
i was going to come in here and say stuff about how there is no such thing as a 'dumb question'...
but fuck man, you make a great case against that.
Things like this and asking a bunch of dudes if having a 1 inch penis is average are things you keep to yourself.
but if you know what it is and what it's function is, then you should understand why it's called that.
Seems like he doesn't know what "normal" means in this case.
what about paranormal maps?
>Looks at my screen
-Cool disco-texture!
Unless his problem is the fact that he thinks the "normal" in "normal map" refers to the "regular" meaning of normal rather than the mathematical one, and is struggling with changing the way he thinks.
Or, he isn't as dumb as he is making himself appear, and is actually trying to make a "clever" joke as if no one in this community knew there were multiple meanings for the word "normal".
Actually, that would make him dumber than he appears. Appropriate thread title either way.
Given the option YES
If someone called my bluff yes
To see if ill regenerate the parts Ive just eaten Yes
Or if i just had a huge pot of chili and a pound or 2 of wonder bread then without question or reason it would happen
Question is, what properties does this hot-dog have? Am I using the law of constant and transfer, where nothing is destroyed, only transferred, so I'm essentially eating myself to a chewed out form with the same amount of atoms as I started out?
Or am I following the rule of low-transfer, where I'm eating myself, and am about to blow up due to ingestion, essentially putting myself in a gutted state.
So yeah, physics and the rules please.
But what if I was literally too hot to eat?
Hot as in sexy or hot as in temperature wise? If you're talking sexy, usually an increase in sexiness leads to an increase in desire to eat. If you're talking temperature though, be careful! You don't want to burn your tum tums!