a little bird tells me its going to come out on Origin first..
a couple of questions... will it be coming out on steam too?
and wasnt 3 meant to use the save games of 2 to continue the story with the choices you made?
major poo if you ask me...
EDIT sorry if theres a ME 3 thread going already...
please close it if there is..
Your save game from Mass Effect 2 will carry over unless Shepard
So for those of you that have actually carried over a save, what do you actually get for having a save from a previous game? How does it influence the current game?
Unless it's a simple matter of copying/pasting files but I doubt that highly. It didn't work for XBox360 people either. "You're playing on a new console? ... How dare you!"
it affects the story, the characters (the ones that died or survived), side mission characters. It actually affects a lot. Now that i look back on it.
I hear a vicious rumour that to use a character from ME2 you have to buy the $18 action figure that comes with the appropriate DLC for that character.
hmm I might replay 2 actually..
I need to finish ME2 but i'm without time to play games
I'm guessing the same thing will be there for ME3, and probably everyone who has it on PC will have to pay for the DLC if it's on origin and not steam.
dude it has to come out on steam. did they officially say anything regarding that?
I wasn't sold on the multiplayer aspect on me3 but they've made it pretty shiny, might be pretty neat.
Didn't make a huge difference, as there wasnt' a significant grind in this game.
The disadvantage, is who died, and who you slept with. I'd imagine if you played a new game from scratch, all characters would still be alive, and all sex options would still be available.
I think it's really for the hardcore Role Players that are really into staying 'in-character'
If it follows the usual style that ME1->ME2 had, you'll be picking major plot choices via questions during the start of the game, loading a save is way more immersive.
Then i will have to think twice about buying it, shame and i actually like ME a lot, but that whole origin shizznit is starting to get on my nerves..
The save files are stored in your my documents folder. they have nothing to do with steam. The save format is the same regardless of where you bought the game so there is no way that EA could stop you from importing your save... why on earth would they?
In my case, I don't care if you could only run it in Linux I would install and figure that shit out in order to play it.
Out of curiosity, what do you hate about Origin?
The client itself scans your computer and submits not clearly specified data to EA. To me that doesn't make it any better than let's say Bonzi Buddy. I'm not putting any spyware, from EA or anyone else, on my PC.
Not sure if Origin also implements a DRM where you have to be always online, but if it does, then it doesn't work for me in any case, regardless of any other issues.
I just don't agree with the practice they're implementing and I don't want to encourage them by giving them my money. Same thing with Ubi. Unfortunately my wallet is my only way to let them know I don't approve of their ways
It doesn't, but I still need Origin like I need keyloggers and adware. Not to mention, I really don't need yet another process running in the background for each and every publisher out there.
I'm of a similar mind. After the 'from dust' DRM bullshit I'm not going to buy any more of their titles.
That is not true. THe moment you agree the TOS you are allowing Valve to collect that info. http://www.valvesoftware.com/privacy.html
That aside does anyone know who voices male Shepard? I saw the latest trailer and they show everyone but him.
Personally I just have no wish to support their efforts to strong-arm their way into the market with exclusive bullshit (you don't need to install Origin on your console), so if that means I can't play a couple games on pc, well I've got plenty of others to play anyway.
RE Shepard http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1035752/
Now this is my personal opinion but to me Origin right now looks like a DRM scheme with a store tacked on top, while Steam seems to be the exact opposite.
If EA really wanted to innovate and create a viable competitor to Steam, I'd give Origin a try, but the way it looks right now, combined with the privacy fiasco that happened, they don't get my support for that. PLus I'm opposed to the authentication on top of authentication on top of authentication crap that's going on (shame on you Steam - that's one thing where you're disappointing me
I don't really have a beef with EA though. My studio works closely with them, many of my friends work for EA and I love many of their games. It's just that I disagree where their distribution strategy is leading them.
That's a good thing, you didn't get to see the ending.
I was worried my Xbox would red ring before I finished the series. I just knew in the great somewhere out there, some poor unfortunate soul would have this happen to them. I'm sorry you were the one to get the short straw *butreallygladitwasntme* :shifty:
Tempted to buy another one from ebay
She's Jennifer Hale. The woman's a legend.
She's been in so many games its insane.