I am wondering what some peoples approach is to setting up some nice specular in the material editor. The assets are idealy for a console game and would be referencing just three basic textures normal,spec, and diffuse. screenshots would be awesome but a good explanation goes a long way as well. Thanks
or toss a multiplier on before the spec texture to get above 1 values in it.
really cant help much since your question is so vauge.
dont know what kinda material your trying to make.
On the other hand, if you're asking for a specific type of type of Specular Lighting method, so the most common ones are Blinn, Phong and Blinn-Phong.
thats all most people are doing, with the specular map, when working on hte map try to get some more specular on edges, it really helps make them pop, and in the case of metal, put some detail in oyur spec map that isn't in the diffuse, doing this makes a much more interesting material too look at since new features are exposed as the light them them.
those are general guide lines, just saying metal is kinda vague, since is it a very shiny metal, is it a metal with a coating or paint on it, or is it a very matte metal like what would would find on say a M4 Rifle.
also work in a gloss map (Called Specular Exponent in UDK)
this kinda map control high wide the specular highlight is, values around 80 produce a very tight highlight, and lower values say belove 30 give a wider highlight.
you could just plug a constant into this slot, or make a black and white map, for it, and plug it into the Alpha of a LERP, than plugin constant values into it's A and B slots, and hook that into the specular exponent slot.
On the other hand, a simple Gloss and Spec map (properly made) is all you need, also, look up Cubemaps and stuff.
Honestly, what you're asking is very easy with a little experimentation, not to mention the UDN has most of this covered.