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[Stylized Environment scene] The laboratory

Hello Polycounters!

This scene is actually made for the WOW art contest but I couldn't summit this one because of my stupid mistake (Misunderstood its deadline date) :(
but I plan to developing this scene much more from now. Any C&C's (especially about composition,texture details, color matches and lighting) are welcome



  • Hayden Zammit
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    Hayden Zammit polycounter lvl 12
    Surprised you've got no comments on this yet. I think it's really awesome. Could be a little cluttered and busy for my tastes, but other than that, really good job.

    Maybe expand the background a little? You could try some subtle rolling hills or something.
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    OMG that watermark is horrible. REMOVE THAT JUNK. No one is going to steal the textures. Just post the image at a really odd size (612x612 for the whole sheet).

    I like the idea of the scene and the modeling a lot.

    Your color usage is all over the place. Blizzard has really tight, super thought out color palettes. I would take yours down to a black and white image and slowly introduce color and make sure it's the correct color palette you want.

    Lighting could also have more contrast.

    All in all good stuff though.
  • Daehi
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    Hayden Zammit // I agree with your opinions.I need to think more about arrangement of props for makes it simple. Thank you for the comment!

    jeffro // lol really sorry for the interrupting you with my watermarks :( I'll get rid of them right away. Thank you for the remind me about color palette things.
  • scottjrobertson
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    scottjrobertson polycounter lvl 12
    As has been said, beautiful work! I agree with the remark about it looking too busy, I think for me it's the placement of the trees. Perhaps a bit too much green going on with the colours. Hope to see you refine this!
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    Way better way to pimp the textures!

    I still think you could tweak the lighting slightly and get a nicer look.

    The color palette too needs to be simplified some.
  • Logan5
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    Logan5 polycounter lvl 9
    Hey Daehi, nice work man!! I absolutely love those trees, really nice forms and great texture style all round. I do agree that the images above look a little cluttered though, for me its those green bottles and jars you got all over the place. Maybe you could delete a few of them (on the trees) or resize them to make them smaller. At the moment they are kinda distracting to me.
  • Daehi
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    Thank you so much for comments guys.

    I'll post refine version of this scene really soon based on critics. Awesome critics guys, I appreciate it.
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 9
    yeah, i agree really really awesome job!
  • S_ource
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    S_ource polycounter lvl 9
    Looks good, but i agree with some that its a litlle cluttered, maybey it would look better if you place the stuff you have on a bigger are like moving all the trees apart so it gets more room around everything. :)
  • Daehi
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    Thank you for comments guys! really helpful critics indeed.

    This is a another attempt to refine the scene such as composition and objects arrangement. I need to do textures detail up more and fix color correction (it looks too flat). Any C&C is welcome!
  • dang87
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    dang87 polycounter lvl 12
    That's looking pretty cool. I'd love to be playing a game and encounter this house out of nowhere :)
  • Macattackk
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    Macattackk polycounter lvl 7
    Looks pretty good. I feel like the grass texture is too large though
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    MUCH better!

    Some of the extreme angles in the tree trunks show how low poly they are. Just make those angles less extreme.

    Maybe bump up the glow on the red door eyes. The viewer should be drawn there first. Then around the glow in the scene.

    Darken the sky 20% or so also.

    Looking great though.
  • brandoom
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    brandoom polycounter lvl 15
    Looks great. Really like it.

    Might be cool if the green goo was slightly emissive.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    like the new render a lot! much more cohesive and the composition is better especially without the big white rock in the foreground.
  • Gannon
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    Gannon interpolator
    Macattackk wrote: »
    Looks pretty good. I feel like the grass texture is too large though

    Agreed, and it's not tiling properly on your mesh.
  • Hayden Zammit
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    Hayden Zammit polycounter lvl 12
    Yeah, looks much better now that its less cluttered. I still think you need to address the background somehow. A little bit of glow on that liquid might be nice too.

    One thing I don't like about the new render is that you've lost a lot of color variation. It's a bit dull as everything just seems very brown at the moment. Try and work some of that color back in.

    Agreed with what others have said about the grass.
  • Daehi
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    Thank you so much for comments guys!
    Those are really help me out to develop my work. You guys are awesome!!

    Ok, here comes little updates of beauty shot and texture paintings.
    Any C&C is welcome again!


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