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[Portfolio]- Joseph Huggins Environment Art

Hello everyone, my first post :).

After a long break after graduating school, I've finally got around to finishing my website and demo reel and was hoping to see some critiques on both the site and my work! The demo reel is what I graduated school with.

This is my first time asking for critiques online, so lay it on heavy!



  • Seirei
    Nice stuff. But I have to admit, as the lazy and unpatient person that I am, I had some trouble spotting the video on first sight. I guess that's not a big deal at all but I think it would be cool if the preview picture could indicate this somehow. Maybe just put some kind of 'play button in the center. Or have the word 'Video' in the top right corner.
    I know it says that it's your demo reel at the bottom, but that takes a good second to appear, but you're judging way faster by what you see immediatly to what you want to see. So if it somewhere indicates that it's a video that would be my first focus, yet I clicked on the 'hallway' first.

    I'm realy nitpicking here and that could be just personal preference. But that's my two cents. I realy can't say anything negative about it. :)
  • gsokol
    Offline / Send Message
    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    Nice stuff.

    For the website...I actually really like the simplistic look you've got here. White black on white stands out. Your gallery images kinda piss me off a little bit because when I try to click on them they slide away from me! haha. Its a nitpicky complaint though, so if nobody else has a problem with it then ignore me.

    Also, the image on the far right is called Test 2, you may wanna fix that.

    Your about me page is kinda useless. That can probably go.

    Your resume page is nice and simple. I think it might be good to have a link to download a pdf or .doc file of your resume though, in case somebody wants to grab it and hang on to it to check out later.

    The way you have "3ds Max, in between different parts of work experience seems odd. What was the reason for this?

    Your reel was nice...theres a good start here.

    Your Arc-Vis stuff is pretty impressive. I can't tell if your wanting to tailor your portfolio to games? If so, you can probably have a separate arc-vis section for your portfolio. Mixing and matching game stuff with this type of work is pretty chaotic. Thats the impression I got from your demo reel as well. I'd say do 2 different galleries, or maybe just have 1 gallery tailored to Arc-Vis...just something to make a differentiation.
  • samcole
    You don't list the programs you used under the images. I assume all those renders were from Max or Maya since they weren't specified and not from a game engine.

    Your images took a while to load for me, and I'm on my school's internet which has pretty decent speed. Might want to check up on that. To be honest I didn't even let them load cause it was taking quite a while..and I didn't even see any progressive loading before I closed the lightbox window.

    Most people who want a game job will not only post the nice renders, but also texture sheet breakdowns. Color, normal, spec, etc. You have none.

    Your site says to me this is a nice VisFX Portfolio, but I see no relation to wanting a job in Games, check out other portfolios on either Polycount, or do a google search of "environment artist portfolios" to give you an idea of what the professionals are displaying.

    Good Luck.
  • striderviii
    Thanks guys for checking it out!

    I don't know what's up with the slow loading, it might just be my provider, I got to check it out. I'll see what I can do to make the video more obvious.

    I was hoping to gear towards game art style, looks like I've got some work to do. I never learned a game engine, however, I've been teaching myself how to use UDK (it's a bit complicated). I've got to work on my game-art workflow.
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