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Can someone please advise on upgrading my system?


I was wondering if someone could please assist me in this matter..
I'm studying / working with 3d models, animation and all else that is Polycount :)
In addition to these demanding uses I also play a lot of games and am into mods and custom items..

Recently I've been thinking on upgrading my rig to somewhat more current stabdards.
This is my current system:

- CPU: Q6600 (2.44 if I'm not mistaken)
- GPU: ATi Radeon HD5850 (512mb I think)
- RAM: Corsair 4gb
- HDDs: two rather old WD ones..7200rpm I think.
- Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-x38-DS5
- PSU: Corsair 550w

I've been thinking on upgrading the GPU to the new HD7970 which is supposed to be quite great and useful with its 3gb of dedicated memory..

May I ask if that's a wise decision? Maybe I best upgrade something else? The motherboard and CPU perhaps? My goal is to slowly upgrade my system into more of a beast, lol..
I'd highly appretiate any reply, advice or recommendation :)

In addition, my apologies if Im posting in the wrong place ^^

Thanks ahead and have an awesome day!


  • Wombatinahat
    I would say upgrading your GPU would be a good idea. The CPU you have is fine and can easily be overclocked to 3ghz without any trouble. You could consider a SSD harddrive for your OS and programs which will considerably speed up your system. I would hold off upgrading the rest until the new Intel ivybridge chips is released and then you can upgrade your motherboard and switch to ddr3 ram.
  • EarthQuake
    What OS? If you don't already have Win7 64 that would be a good place to start, up your ram to 8gb would be a cheap quick upgrade, Win7+SSD makes a pretty nice difference as well, I have a very similar setup to you(was running XP64) and added a 120GB SSD + Win764 and it was like buying a new computer.

    Your mobo/CPU probably has a year or two of life left in it, I've got the same Q6600 and really I don't sit around wishing I had a faster CPU(sometimes for AO bakes but thats it).

    Generally upgrading a GPU isn't a bad idea, but paying $500 for a new one is just bat-shit-crazy. You could buy a I7 2600K, mobo, and 16gb of ram for about the same price as a 7970. Spending so much on a GPU is a really bad idea, upgrading your CPU/etc would provide a much bigger performance gain than upgrading your already quite good GPU.

    Wait for the prices to drop on that GPU, or for the mid-range almost as good as $200-300-ish one if you really need a high end GPU. Try to remember that a high-end GPU is only really useful for gaming too, not very much for 3d work(CPU/Ram generally more important).
  • Wookie
    Thanks a lot to both of you! I was somewhat eager to make a change already (not my best quality, lol)...I got a 800w PSU and the HD7970..

    I see the logic in what you said EarthQuake and I appreciate it! But I guess what's done is done..Will probably upgrade the rest of what the two of you mentioned in a moth or two..need to recover ^^

    CPU, MOBO, SSDs and so more RAM...will probably tackle the SSDs next...I haven't heard about the intel Ivybridge (sounds really interesting..will check it out) and my CPU's fine for now...The mobo can only accept up to 8gb of ram, so I guess RAM+MOBO+CPU once a game-changer pops in the market..

    Thanks a lot for your help guys! I hope to be more active here on the forums ^^

    "Happy blackout day!"
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