The study found that stress was associated with the personal use of smart phones but not with work. In particular, a relationship was found between stress and the amount of times the phone was checked, with the most stressed amongst us experiencing phantom vibrations when in fact there have been no alerts.
I think they've even done a study at MS at some point. No phones, no e-mail, no people randomly popping into offices for a certain period every day. No surprise, productivity went up because people could focus and everyone was happy.
Just think of it... soon, they'll have text messages that work based on voice recognition.... and by that time, you might as well've called the person in the first place anyways.
At one point I used to pull out my phone and read facebook, wikipedia, or whatever right in the middle of a conversation with people. My girlfriend had to smack me across the head a few times for me to even realize I was doing it...its just habit.
I definitely get ghost vibrations, and I'm glued to my phone. I usually tap my pocket every 10 minutes out of habit just to make sure it is there.
....and its a good thing I don't have any friends...otherwise I'd have to talk/text to them on top of everything else
Pretty sure they already have that. Hands free text messaging and all.
We already do. Siri.
I do this all the time with my wallet/phone. However im just Paranoid I may drop it or someone may pickpocket me.
Haha gsokol and Ryswick I am permanently tapping pockets for my keys phone and wallet! I thought it was some kind of nervous tick I had, good to hear its kinda common.
I miss that...Now that I have smartphone I dont find much use for it, aside from checking the gmail when I am in the bus or play game dev story besides receiving calls. (yes I dont call any one unless it is necessary).<.<
is it an Asda phone?
Personally i just turn Data off when I'm not working. it keeps outside distractions to a minimum.