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Deus-Ex Inspired lady character

polycounter lvl 14
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mikezoo polycounter lvl 14
So I've been working on this for a little over three weeks now and got to a point where I thought i would post for feedback/crits/ect. I haven't been on the forum in awhile but I want get involved again. PCs a fun place.

The biggest issue I have with this model so far, is is that while I love the design (inspired by DE:HR Adam Jensen concept) her front attachments are blocking the curvature of her body in silhouette. It sorta adds more "weight" to her hips + lower torso. To combat this I moved her shoulders in more, to try and give it a more female shape. Is this something that's bothering anybody? Or is this an issue that's not as important as I think?

Things that I still have yet to do for the high-res mesh:





I'll keep updating as i move along on this.

Thanks for looking!


  • Hayden Zammit
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    Hayden Zammit polycounter lvl 12
    Looking sweet so far man. I do see what you mean about the silhouette. I don't think its all that much of a problem really, as she's obviously a soldier of some sort. You could try making the attachments smaller maybe.

    I really like the detail in the arms. Have you considering just giving her one augmented arm and having the other normal? I think it might add a lot more interest overall.

    Also with the arms. The wires coming out on the inside of the elbow: it's been a while since I've played Deus Ex, but weren't the augmentation designs a lot cleaner than that? Might want to look into it and consider doing somethint cleaner than wires.

    Looks awesome regardless. Keep it up.
  • Illusive
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    Illusive polycounter lvl 8
    i wouldn't worry about the silhouette thing it's really only noticeable from the front dead on but if you wanted to compensate you could always give her bigger boobs hehe
    looking awesome though can't wait to see more
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    The butt and the boots need work. Looking really sweet otherwise!
  • Miche
    I Like the detail you're putting into it. I get the feeling that the knees are a little too far down on her legs though, maybe not. The gluteal muscles looks good in profile, but as the last comment mentioned, it needs some more shape from behind. I also think the fingers are a bit too thin.
    You already mentioned to fix the face, but I think the hair needs some more work in the front view. I like the profile of it and also the look from behind though.
    Keep it up.
  • Tenchi
    The arm looks really good. The curvature looks good to my eye, although I agree with the knee looking low. I think it's more that the upper leg is too long perhaps.
  • AdanR
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    AdanR polycounter lvl 12
    looking nice! :) waiting for mouur!
  • mikezoo
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    mikezoo polycounter lvl 14
    thanks for the feedback guys! It definitely opened my eyes to some issues I had going on!
    • More sculpting on face + added/changed her hair cards.
    • I brought up the knees and put more volume in the butt, along with adding more to the pants.
    • Arms i cleaned up shapes and such, but did not increase the fingers size. I think I might have to down the road.
    • Worked on the boots.




    Still more modeling to do, and Iam pretty sure Iam keeping both augmented arms. I might play with that idea still. Many thanks!
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15

    This looks weird to me, it's not the volume, but more so the shape of the butt. Sure it'll look different with textures on ofc, but it might be worth it to do some more work on this area. ^^
  • Fomori
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    Fomori polycounter lvl 12
    Looking excellent. Subscribed. I would agree that her bum doesn't look quite right. She is pretty toned everywhere but there. From the side it looks fine, but with that rear shot it looks to me like it just needs a more rounded "toned" shape. I think if a girl was critiquing though she would appreciate the less than "perfect" look she has right now.
  • dogzer
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    dogzer polycounter lvl 8
    That looks like a perfectly normal butt. Sure she could use a few hours per week at the gym to make it a lil more pertky, but that doesn't mean it *needs* to be fixed.

    Don't fix what isn't broken, unless you are aiming for something specific, like a super sexy butt, then yeah, make it super round, like tomb raider's butt.

    I could mention that eyebrows are 5% more prominent than they *should*, because that's a masculine feature. But if you change that, you'd just be making a different girl. Changing that could be an improvement if you're really trying to make something in specific, otherwise it's perfect!
  • Ikosan
    really nice model, love the arms:) i agree with the shape of the butt area looking a little wiered though, i think it may be because the widest part of her pelvis area should be her trochanter which normally sits a little lower down, done a quick liquify to show you what i mean

  • mikezoo
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    mikezoo polycounter lvl 14
    hey thanks dudes for calling that out! her booty isent working right now, and it has to be fixed. pilates or some major sculpting. lol. Thanks everybody!:)
  • mikezoo
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    mikezoo polycounter lvl 14
    Made alot of changes to this model over the week. Majority of it was increase fem shapes in the legs, butt, and boots. get a more feminine line going on. Also more modeling got done.



    I also posed what I had to how its all working. I still have some work to do on the high-poly pose.



    While I think I am about done on the HighPoly, and crits are always helpfull! I think this week I am going to move along to the low-poly mesh and start testing map bakes.
  • Psyk0
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    Psyk0 polycounter lvl 18
    Pretty sweet work,

    Maybe check the size of the hand? comparing with the forearm, it feels out of balance, i'm just eyeballing here so i could be wrong. Another way is to measure agaisnt the face, if it doesn't cover the face, it needs scaling.
  • mikezoo
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    mikezoo polycounter lvl 14
    I'll do a double check on the hands. thanks Psyk0!:thumbup:
  • planaria
    wowee, awesome work. the model is atleast to par with the quality of dx:hr and maybe slightly better.
  • Fomori
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    Fomori polycounter lvl 12
    Yeah I would say it's better. She feels more "real". Just noticed her hair possibly looks a bit high....her forehead just seems to be showing a bit too much considering how much hair she has. Minor thing but it stood out for me.
  • areve
    Starting to look really good, love the details on he armorthingie!
    But I feel that the knees are still a bit to far down
  • Fomori
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    Fomori polycounter lvl 12
    Yep he's right. Knees need moving up a bit.
  • TheTurner
    You did an amazing job with the poly hair and natural pose!

    Very nice!
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    If you wanna make her more identifiable as being from DE:HR, give her some triangly clothing :D
  • mikezoo
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    mikezoo polycounter lvl 14
    thanks for the crits guys!

    Fomori : I get what your saying. After looking at my reference for her hair, I think it could be moved down a tad.

    areve & Fomori : funny how I keep moving her knees up! lol. I agree with you two though. I think when I was playing with her boots I changed somthing up.,:poly127:

    TheTurner & planaria : Thanks!

    Andreas : Yeah that was deffenlty as re-occurring theme throughout the game. Even the bad-girl chick has some triangles in her design. I opted to make a female "Adam Jensen" character as you can see its concept is heavily derived from it.
  • Donavonyoung
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    Donavonyoung polycounter lvl 6
    Very solid work mate. I think that you really hit the Deus ex style. Good work.
  • mikezoo
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    mikezoo polycounter lvl 14
    updates! After some more modeling, baking, uv'ing and such I have my lo-poly for her almost finished.

    Right now the low is a at 40,000 tris. :) Still have to re-bake out some geo and clean up maps and stuff, before I can start texturing.


    Some close ups. You can see the spots I gotta clean up/rebake. :poly141:




  • SpiderFingers
    If I may offer an attempt to help. I would suggest that the center seam of the bum is the problem with the bum. It gives the bum a look almost like spandex which of course doesn't gel with the idea of jeans. The pockets definitely help the laces need a little rounding and I would rather have had the boot under the laces out than the laces sunk in,

    overall I would say that the work looks solid and convincing. If this were my work I would be pleased atleast until my perfectionist side kicked in.
  • 5fingerdiscount
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    really quality work, seriously keep it up :)
  • Gestalt
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    Gestalt polycounter lvl 11
    The leg looks off to me, lacks some muscle volume and definition in certain areas, especially as it gets toward the knee. You may want to adjust the quad (down from the greater trochanter the leg is tapering in; it might look better to have that curve from below the hip continue down a bit and flow more into the knee (vastus lateralis going to the knee)). I'd add volume and definition around the knee (vastus medialis), everything seems to taper to much around there, especially in comparison to the calves.
  • mikezoo
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    mikezoo polycounter lvl 14
    Posting up the current head/hair textures. Any crits to improve quality, would love to hear!

    I went back and addressed some of crits you guys said earlier. the fixes included a re-bake of the boots, some fixes on the pants and knees. Thanks alot dudes! Will post when i get far enough on the body textures.



    Right now she isent feeling very "deus ex"ey and I might go add some minor augumentation details on her head.
  • megalmn2000
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    megalmn2000 polycounter lvl 13
    Pretty good so far. I think the AO in the face is a bit too strong, it looks unrealistic. Did you add the specular map yet?
  • mikezoo
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    mikezoo polycounter lvl 14
    yeah there's spec in there, you feeling like it needs to be pushed further?
  • Killaball
    Hey mike, just from first glance it looks like your pores are a little to viable for a female character. I think it is a combo of you using the normal and the spec to pop the pores, maybe take the pores out in the normal and leave them in the spec.

    Take this for an example:


    Also With her skin tone so dark orange ish, the lipstick color you have for her is to off. Try a darker version of her skin tone. Either that or lighten her skin up to be paler and then darken the lipstick to a darker red. Unless you like her skin tone.

    The thing that stood out the most though is the amount of eye liner she is using. My wife says to my daughters that make up is suppose to draw your eyes to the natural beauty of the person not cover everything up. I don't know if that will help, but I would loose about 75-50% of the transparency to the makeup on the upper eye lids and maybe drop the eye liner down 25%.

    Here is a quick paint over.


    Hope that helps a bit.

    Also Meglmn nailed it your AO is a bit to dark for a female.
  • Fomori
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    Fomori polycounter lvl 12
    Yep all good crits. Skin just looks too noisy and "blotchy". Should be an easy fix. Hair looks cool with good contrast, but it's a bit too uniform, would add some larger darker areas to give it more form. That should get the shape to "pop" a bit better.
  • Di$array
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    Di$array polycounter lvl 5
    Really digging the hair bud but the pores are adding to much noise to the face. Maybe you could try Killaball's suggestion about dropping the pores from the normal OR you could incorporate some soft smooth areas on the face for the view to rest their eyes on.
  • Sarankan
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    Sarankan polycounter lvl 6
    really nice work I cant wait to see some more, agrre with Killaball about the AO...on a personal suggestion I think Deus Ex was insipired by the Renaissance and I think you could research some of the old master work for some killer colour palette. THis looks quite promising but it could fall in to the trap of being just another futuristic soiler so I think really finding out what inspired the deus ex chracters will put you on a similar mindset to style your own. I found this link http://www.kotaku.com.au/2010/03/how-deus-ex-3s-cyber-renaissance-averted-a-puffy-pants-disaster/ it might be worth a quick look. Overall its looking good without no doubt, just cant wait to see some more progress:P
  • mikezoo
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    mikezoo polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks for the wise words everyone!
    I ended up removing a cavity map that was adding to the pore-level details in face that we dident like. I also decreased the AO and lightmap that was darkening it up and then changed the make-up around.

    Personally I am digging the break-up areas on her face texture, so i dident smooth them out much at all. but if enough people hate on it then I can make a quick fix. very easy.


    I have to re-texture some of the hair cards and adjust the alpha mask, as you can see there are some blurry texture cards in the mix.
  • marq4porsche
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    marq4porsche polycounter lvl 9
    Your texture looks loads better though I still think her skin tone is dark and it looks like she just stepped out of a tanner. I think she would look more natural with lighter skin to match the blonde hair. I played with the levels and hue saturation a bit to show what I mean, sorry not a real paintover. qEvms.jpg
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    needs some eye rim shadow to get rid of the creeper stare:
    accomplished by using an alpha plane.

    Amazing work~!

  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Try tinting the AO on the face (or any skin on your model) wit a red hue and pull it back a little too. Keep it nice and subtle so that way it still emphasises the form and cavities, and it partially fakes SSS a little too.
    You can use cooler hues like blue/purple around the eyes, under the chin and jaw line. It'll look a little more natural and still give you some colour variation in the skin.

    Overall everything is looking great.
  • mikezoo
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    mikezoo polycounter lvl 14
    So i am pretty excited about the eyes now.

    marq4porsche: point taken. Though i didn't lighten her skin up, i think you may be correct and its something that I am at least going to try out.

    konstruct: this is such as sick trick as it totally changes her look for the better with the rim shadow.:thumbup:

    Emil: I ended up overlaying a red hue on the ao, and toned it down and its actually another cool trick. i didn't try adding any blue to her eyes and neck though and its something I should try ( like lighting the skin )


    on a side note I can't seem to render images w/ alphas in toolbag using f12. Images above are prtScreen key. Below is what happens when I try rendering out an image in marmoset toolbag.


    if anybody has any ideas would love to hear. I should probley adventure over to the toolbag thread and post this up there.
  • achmedthesnake
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    achmedthesnake polycounter lvl 17
    nostrils....no nasal cavitys are as dark as a singularity...

    and I second Emil's comments - subtle reddish AO - and tint certain sections
  • Blaisoid
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    Blaisoid polycounter lvl 7
    i agree with marq4porsche about skin tone. also, i think some areas should have stronger highlights, for example the nose.
  • mikezoo
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    mikezoo polycounter lvl 14
    okay next post i promise will address the skin tone issues!!!! right now nothing changed skin-tone wise but i wanted to post the progress on the body as I gotta finish this project up before gdc.

    still work to be done, but would love any and all suggestions on the texture. would really help! thanks everybody!




    still got some issues in toolbag.:(
  • Di$array
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    Di$array polycounter lvl 5
    You're missing the triangle pattern from Deus Ex :poly115: Also you could add a bit of wear to the jeans such as the knee, around the holster strap, etc. Other than that i'm really liking the colour choices and overall outcome. Keep working at it!
  • Killaball
    Hey Mike,

    Remember how before when you were working on the other scifi girl and we talked about color variation allowing the eye to travel over your model? I feel this model has the same problem.
    Working from a purely realistic stand point when it comes to combat or spy color choices you got some good colors there, but it might not let the eye travel as well as some other choices could.
    The straps of the holster are good and drew my eyes down but there is nothing really connecting them, my eyes went from the yellow in the arms to the holster but then nothing was there for my eye to continue down.
    Maybe changing the pant color to blue or dark blue that was my first thought when I saw your current colors, also I would take some of that color from the holster straps and add that into some of the armor, maybe the collar and shoulder harness.
    Just my opinion, keep at it though.
  • theslingshot
    Like Di$array said, maybe add something on the jeans to make them looks more "trendy", maybe a bit of blueish(edit:like he^ said). And I definitely want to see more of that yellow you put on her arms...made me think of this , probably not the best ref out there...
  • disanski
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    disanski polycounter lvl 14
    This is looking very cool man, good work. What an awesome trick for the rim shadow for the eyes I cant believe i never thought of that :)
  • mikezoo
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    mikezoo polycounter lvl 14
    Allright, I went back and make some changes that hopefully will work for the better. Forgive the alpha issues in the head at the moment. I think iam going to start setting up a scene for some decent lighting so this doesn't look like ass.





    Di$array: yeah less triangles, but this is more of a"female" version of the main character.

    Killaball: ah I cant believe I forgot about that conversation! that's soo important and I think your totally right. I hope adding the extra yellow and the plastic seams to the mix helps/

    theslingshot: Added a little extra yellow.

    disanski: yup. super sly trick.
  • Jason Young
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    Jason Young polycounter lvl 16
    This is looking really good! I do feel like you could smooth out the transition between lips and nose a bit more, maybe make the bridge of the nose a bit wider, and add some makeup to accentuate her eyes. Just some thoughts!

  • Fomori
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    Fomori polycounter lvl 12
    Looks awesome! Excellent choice of colours. I really like the darkness of her upper body. Makes her look more mysterious and dangerous. Hair still needs more variation in overall tone to create volume though.
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