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Bind Elements in 3ds Max

polycounter lvl 7
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Umar6419 polycounter lvl 7
Ok, I was animator and rigger but recently started modeling :) and its going good.. but i Modeled a character as Different parts and Later I attached all of them as a single Mesh... Now i even need to weld vertices of different elements of Polygon., How can I do this.. I think target weld or simple weld both failed.. i increased the threshold to maximum.. nothing's working...


  • T.Bull
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    T.Bull polycounter lvl 13
    Have you selected the vertices before welding? If they are close to each other or, even better, exactly the same place, you don't need to crank up the threshold.
  • Umar6419
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    Umar6419 polycounter lvl 7
    they are almost at the same place ,,, I zoomed out to match the position of both vertices as much as i can,,,,
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    dumb question maybe, but are the relevant verts located on open edges? won't weld otherwise ;-)
  • Mark Dygert
    I think cptSwing is onto something, they either need to be on open edges or connected by a edge.
  • Umar6419
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    Umar6419 polycounter lvl 7
    The vertices within the elements weld Perfectly,, but when it comes to differ element its Not working.. if their is some differ way to Join elements let me know Please...Moreover compound objects didn't work nor i prefer them ...
    thanks for the reply gyzz..
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    Are they elements of the same object? If not, you need to attach them all to one object (i know, confusing if you know how other apps do it). Could also slap an Edit Poly on all of them to simulate it being one mesh, though i suppose that might lead to trouble later on.
  • Umar6419
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    Umar6419 polycounter lvl 7
    cptSwing wrote: »
    Are they elements of the same object? If not, you need to attach them all to one object (i know, confusing if you know how other apps do it). Could also slap an Edit Poly on all of them to simulate it being one mesh, though i suppose that might lead to trouble later on.

    Definitely they are elements of same Mesh
    But yeah i have attached different Meshes to make a Single model and now i need to even fuse verts, how its possible,I am Stuck ....:poly142:
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    so originally you had X different objects, on which you used the "attach" command to merge them to one single object, correct?

    and are you sure your edges are open (ie weldable)?
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    Yea, basically, if your using an editable poly, 3dsMax will not let you perform actions that will cause non-manifold geometry. So, most likely, the reason it isn't working is because you have something in your model that the program doesn't like.

    Typically it could be:

    Open edges. (like everybody else said.) Just click a vert in the area, but don't drag over it because youll grab all of them if there are more than one, and pull it out, and see if its disconnected from the mesh, or if another vert is directly underneath it.

    Flipped normals. If you are trying to welt verts of faces that have normals facing the opposite way, they won't weld. So maybe one sections polygons are facing the wrong way.

    Non manifold attachment. It could be that your just trying to attach a chunk of geo where you shouldn't attach it. If your trying to weld a section that is creating a "T" intersection with another surface, thats no bueno.

    If you still have trouble, post an image of where you are trying to weld, then it will be easier to see where the problem is.
  • Umar6419
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    Umar6419 polycounter lvl 7
    thanks Cptswing and gsokol ...
    I was trying to weld Closed Polygons..:poly142:
    You People are Professional..
  • cptSwing
    Offline / Send Message
    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    Umar6419 wrote: »
    thanks Cptswing and gsokol ...
    I was trying to weld Closed Polygons..:poly142:
    You People are Professional..

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