Hello guys!
EDIT: Not really a samurai. Just an adventurer/hunter.
I will make a fantasy hunter. His best friends are a baby dinosaur and a green flame:)
Last Update:
Well, finished!

I recreated the face. I wanted it to look more serious and angry.

Some of my references:
PS: I really have problems with doing bandages.Does anyone have a tutorial or tips to do it in Maya or Zbrush?
There are some issues on the anatomy, the thumbs look in a bad position, and there is no much definition on the forearm, also the wrists. I think you didn't finished the fists, so there are somethings to fix, like the thumb nail, its really little and looks kinda deformed (as if someone smashed it).
Yeah, bandages are difficult for me too, I hope someone have a good tip for u (and me too)
I'll look forward on this, good luck
A small update:
Blocked his equipment:)
You could buff out his latts a bit more so they show in the front. And you could probably check into the abs a bit more and also the connection of the tricep into the back.
Keep up the good work man. Reminds me of this.
The connection of the triceps into the back is weirdo too. Soon I'll fix that!
Thank you:)
edit: This Blade Master is awesome!
Maybe you just haven't gotten to it yet, but don't forget to add buckles on the belt or armor straps. If you put those on it will add a lot.
Critiques aside, the overall design is pretty cool. Keep working!
It has a lot of stuff that I didn't put.
I agree with the mouth and clavicles. I still have much to do with the body.
Thank you!
Last update of the day:
Fixed the face a little bit and did some stuff...I'm too lazy in this one:(
Did the bandages, the pouch and tweaked some stuff
Obs: I don't even know why I wrote "Elite Samurai Hunter" in the title of the thread :poly124:
One more update:
Now I think it's getting cool
Still have to change his hair, add more detail in some stuff and do his weapons
the jaw line needs work; it needs more definition, especially when its becomes the chin; the chin is too rounded and blends with the jawline too much. the head might be too small also
although the pants are a good start, im not agreeing with the folds they form, more pant leg folds are really straighter at some point of tension or they zigzag at joint areas, i suggest looking up more references for pant folds that are of that type.
the ankle area looks a bit weird, especially the heel/achilles tendon area
the biceps are looking a tad like a parenthesis shape, maybe tweak those a bit
also a sideview would be nice
i hope this helps out, good luck!
I realy like how it looks now. The new assets also look realy well done. I'll keep an eye on that one.
And oh hell, the thumbs are still weird IMO!!! :O Idk if its the position, but it looks like if it is on the same height of the little finger...also, their are bad sculpted and too curvy to inside of the hand without an definition of the phalanges.
Keep updating
I agree with the pants, the folds are a mess:( The ankle is very ugly too.
Thank you!
@Seirei: Thank you man!
@Hboybowen: Yeah, I know.
@vikk0: Yeah, the fingers really need some adjustment.
Thank you!
OMFG! I don't know how to do his hair!Does anyone know how to do a good hair blocking?
The ears are very wip, btw.
I really need to fix his face..
In general, your anatomy isn't bad at all but I think what's happening is that you are floating in between "stylized" and "realism" by not really committing to either one. In my opinion, I would push your character's fleshy bits one way or the other by either embracing the harder edges that you are using to define muscles (like at the delts) or soften him up and go more "life like." If yo go for the second option, I think you need to consider more how his weight would fall off of his bones - which is definitely a problem you're having on his face, namely around his mouth and nasal folds. A problem with using anime as a reference and not FULLY going for that look is that features tend to fall flat - which is what is happening to your characters face.
@zakhar2:Thanks for the paint over! This was very useful!:)
@Virtuosic: Yeah, that's what I did now. I really have problems with mouths
I recreated the face. I wanted it to look more serious and angry.
Bone sword!
Finished the body retopology
Thats a lots of improvement huh! I like how far you did with him, but there is something that is annoying me. Well, his nose looks like if it doesn't belong to the face.....I don't know to to fix it, but I'd try another shape for his nose to look more aggressive
@garriola83: I don't have much time now, but I will reduce some loops on the arm that will be hidden by the armor. Thank you!
Started the diffuse map, still VERY WIP. Armor not included:)
Oh man, I have only 3 days left to submit it and still needs a lot of work, especially on his hand, bandages and the sword :poly127:
I had some issues with the hair, so I gave up for now
Diffuse only, no specular yet:
I liked how you finished it, and how you defended your art style.
Wires and textures for us please? ^^
Good work!
Well, finished!
Post Mortem
Well, this was the first "next/current gen" character I finished, and I learned a lot along the process. First of all, I'd like to thank the community for all the support!:)
The final result has a lot of problems,and I will mention some:
Design: I liked the design, but I couldn't really catch the "soul" of what I really wanted. It's not poor or ugly, but it's not awesome.
Poly Count: Too high for this character and the hands and shoulder don't have a good silhouette.
UV Space: I left too much empty space just to avoid seams.
Textures: It is good overall, but lacked love in some parts.
Again, thank you!
So, congratulations, you've improved a lot and the final result is pretty smooth. There are some anatomy problems, but its nothing that troublesome. ^^
The mesh is very clean, regardless the number of tris, I have nothing to say about the retopo. Pretty good.
You've done well on textures too, and well, as I can see on your portfolio, you seems to be a new artist, so its a great start bro!
NJ, Keep improving
Small update: Turntable video