Can anyone guide me in the right direction of good tut's or dvd tut's for Brand New 3d Modelers? I recently went over a friends house and he told me polycount offers a great deal of constructive criticism, and generally its users will help a noob out, Fyi I am serious about 3d modeling as a hobby and to work up a portfolio. I have done small sccale modding before mostly scripting (Like changing character ID's around for a different skeleton and such. I used blender once back when fable tlc came out, but i only used that for importing an already made model in wow to put in fable. My recent work is 1 texture file on justcause2mods its a retex of a sports car its just a bunch of morphed colors that makes the car appear to be different colors in different lighting. (It was a horrible mod all i did was recolor shit.) In all honesty I do not even know the UI of any 3d modeling software, but i want to learn and i need to start somewhere, Thanks guys,
There's probably some starter tutorials or guides in max itself, if not then check the web. Like you say once you know how the interface works you'll be a bit better. After that I spose there will be very simple tutorials out there to create basic objects, and from there you could eventually build something of your own using the knowledge you've learnt. I think after a few basic tutorials our first project given was to create the room we're in while making it, pretty good for references, and better if you have a tape measure to start.
One very good skill to have is problem solving, and most of the information you need is out there somewhere. So go improve this skill
check this out:
Its a series of tutorials that explain the interface (and more) of 3d packages.
I would suggest 3DS Max or Maya (or Blender, because its free). Learn the basic interface. What you dont understand, google it, read it. Still don't get it at that point? No matter, write it down, put it aside to check back once you understood the basics. Once you know where the basic functions are in the 3d package you chose, start looking (i.e. googling) for very basic tutorials to do. Modelling a crate, or a table and then texturing it, stuff like that. Once you start feeling comfortable with that, move on to a more complex object.
That's similar to what i did at least, but I very quickly started focusing on animations and the related areas (like rigging)..
Like TortillaChips said, studying game art is also a very useful way to get introduced to the basics, but its not necessary..
As soon as you feel comfortable, create a thread on polytcount and start posting.
First of all, mind telling us what brand are you? So that we can guide you accordingly.
Jokes aside, it is funny how people use this "Brand new me as a 3d modeler" statement loosely, which they really shouldnt. If you have done 3d modeling and worked with some mod, like you stated, than you should have a rough idea about where to start.
If you would like to start as a 3d modeler, than do that. If you like to work on some mod, do that. If you like to start as a 2d concept artist, do that. Polycount can not guide you in terms of picking your path, tho you will read many posts in this thread where people will tell you what to pick. One thing you should be aware of before asking this, (infact anyone should be aware of before asking this question) is that you are the maker of your own future and the path you will pick is what you will follow, no one else follows it for you, or hold your hand and walk you through it. They can however, lead you to the websites like Digital Tutors, Eat 3d, etc.
So dont ask these questions like "A good place to start," or "What is best for me." You should know that.
As for "I want to refine my skills in 3d modeling and work with some mod or UDK" than you are at the right place.
Welcome to the Polycount, here you will find tips, crits, and comments relative to the works of game art which allows you to see the errors in your skills and fine tune them.
If you would like to know what tools we use for it, I use Softimage XSI, zbrush and photoshop. I am also learning composite tool for better render views and images for my portfolio. I doodle with blender sometimes because it is free. I also had self education from Digital Tutors. A brand that I found long time ago that sells good tutorials relative to 3d and 2d arts for beginners.
Suggestion to you, pick any set of 2d / 3d modeling tools, that you like and learn them thoroughly.
Good luck. =]
hahahaahahahaha ...jokes funny jokes.
honestly tho,
westwood can teach that.