My strokes in ZBrush just aren't as smooth as I see from other people's videos. I have it set in preferences to 1000 mouse and tablet samples a second (which I'm pretty sure my i7-2600k can handle) and it's STILL giving me nasty boxes on the clay tubes and malletfast brushes and bunches of circles for the orb crack brush.
I could also go on for hours about how everyone else seems to have had a much easier time installing orb's brush than I have. I had to make the alpha myself and then change the alpha settings so it didn't look horrible. And it STILL doesn't look as good as his.
The picture has me using the claytubes brush and the orb crack brush, start slow on the left and moving progressively faster.
Anyone else had this issue or is this normal?
Freehand is on for those brushes, yes. And lazymouse isnt on.
Guess I'm supposed to just do really slow strokes or something... and if you're a fantastic artist like orb everything works better for you magically =P
Dunno what else it could be..
Quick strokes like that are good for building some texture. If you just want to quickly rough out the form while maintaining a smoother surface, get in the habit of smoothing the area afterwards.