lets say ive got a simple keyframe animation on object A. now what I want to do is attach object B to it with a hinge, and have the new object (B) swing realistically, as the parent objects (A) animation plays.
ive tried using reactors but i havnt worked with them before so im having trouble figuring out how to get the attached object to move along with the parent object and swing as it should.
There are a few ways I can think of to do this in max. You could:
Link B to A and assign a spring controller to B. It will jiggle a bit when the parent moves and take a while to settle in after it stops. This really won't work for real time unless the engine has some kind of jiggle bone set up.
Use a strip of low poly cloth, skinned to Object A with a falloff group that transitions from skin weighting to cloth sim. Then attachment constrain points to the cloth so the points follow along and snap/key your bones to the cloth.
Jim Jagger has a Animated Align script that works great for aligning and keying one object to another.
option 1 doesnt seem like it would work very well, since the motions im talking about can be quite complex, and in any case i wont be able to rig the jiggle stuff in the engine anyway.
option 2 sounds promising but i have no idea how to do all that.. could you explain in more detail perhaps?
and yes, Mark, that should be enough to get me started. Thanks.
I would actually look into using MassFX and the MassFX Constraint Helper. I believe it actually bakes out to keys also.
The 3dsmax help file has a How-To if you search for "MassFX Constraint".
Here is a quick hinge tutorial for Reactor:
Completed Example File:
Create the Hinge:
Create the Hinge Solver:
Create the Rigid Body Collection:
Preview and Bake:
and also, im using max 2011 and i beleive massFX was only in 2012.. so no i dont have that (yet)
is it possible to achieve rotation on multiple axes with these hinge things?