I have been working on this off and on for the last week and I think it is about time it had its own topic. After much trial and error I found that working from my own concepts did not work out too well seeing as I am not a concept artist(though it is something I would love to improve upon in the future)So I choose a concept form DeusEX Human Revolution.

I have most of the main bits blocked in and some textured, but I am looking for a way to spice it up and have it be more than just a boring hallway.

Modular Pieces

Any ideas or crits to help would be very helpful!
Gives you a bit of leeway for things to prop it with, though. Cleaning, tools, cables, etc...
I think the key to having it look interesting will be the lighting, though. Stronger reflections, too. The floor tiles seem to be missing the laquered/clear coated look of the concept.
How about adding a "security office"? A big glass window, a desk, a couch, a computer, a lamp and a chair, for instance. These corridors do live off the sterility they have, but maybe some barely visible footprints on the ground to slightly break this sterility? Also some pipes and shafts on the ceiling and security cameras? Just some suggestion, off the top of my head. I don't know how close to deus ex you are trying to get, tho..
Anyway, keep at it, im looking forward to seeing your progress
I second what Talon said about the lighting
Your materials, in comparison to the concept shot... they seem to be missing something and I can't quite put my finger on what it is... the concept seems to have slightly noisier materials than the ones in your scene... but it's not a fine point noise... it's kindof a splotchy noise... I'm seeing this effect on the yellow parts of the concept.
As for the dark parts, I think you need to take your charcoal greys down juuuuuuust a bit darker if you're going for a match to the concept.
If I wasn't being a nit picker, and i wasn't comparing it directly to the concept art right above it, I wouldn't have otherwise been able to offer you any advice - so great job man!!! Anxious to see it in completion!
@MiAlx: Will be adding Security cameras and possibly pipes. I like the idea of a security office and I may play with the idea once I get it looking pretty close to the concept.
@Pope Adam: Yeah I know what you mean, still trying to get the material down, I just moved on to texturing other things and was planning on coming back to it. I tend to get in the habit of obsessing with one thing and never finishing everything else.
@SasoChicken: Bumped up the reflection quite a bit. I wish I could blur it a little but I'm using a RTT and not quite sure how to do that in the material editor.
Changed a few things in the short time I had to work on this today(been buzy at school). One thing you all have said and im kind of worried about is lighting. It is going to make or break this scene but lighting can be pretty hard to nail down.
So I modified the pillars to be more rounded and finished the walls on the side of the stairwell. Just need to texture the railing, trashcan, and the lights. Also adjusted the texture on the floor to hopefully be closer to the concept(added more noise to the diffuse and spec)
I thought they used a special shader that their own tech artist made? That way you can have a single polygon creating the illusion of stairs with some sort of paralax mapping (not tesselation).
Still, there's no reason to do that nowadays, ME1 used a very early UE3 engine, which had some polygon limitations.
Keep going!
Started texturing the stairs and changed the light color but I am sure ill be fiddling with it until it's just right. After the stairs are done I need to move onto the wall on the right and create a unique texture for that to make it less repetitive and texture the lights hanging from the ceiling.
@marq4porsche,Paul Pepera,Mooglesarelittle: I adjusted the lighting a bit, not quite sure how I got so far off track with the lighting compared to the concept.
I would add a bit of sharpness to the render, and make the lights colder. Blue lights might be over doing it, since there is only a slight blueish hue floating around the ceiling in the reference, but definately less orange.
I might also add just the slightest hint of chromatic aberration.. not too much, just enough so most people wont even notice
Decrease the amount of fog in the scene and instead rely on your lighting to give the majority of the atmosphere in the scene.
Use cooler lights and fog to try and match the concept.
Don't hide you materials behind flat lighting and fog; show 'em off with something dramatic.
Progress so far.
current lighting setup.
I'd recommend you add in the hint at this being a dog-leg in a corridor that's in the concept (you can see the wall of a corridor going off-screen to the right). It makes it a much more interesting composition than simply looking down a straight corridor, especially as the volumetric light from up the stairs (and that little arrow) lead the eye through the path of the corridor from up stairs to frame right.
@Talon: Like this?
Just some minor changes, fixed the tileing on the ceiling, textured the trash can in the background. Really unless anyone has more input I think I may be calling this one done soon. As much as I want it to be more and more awesome, there is only so much you can do with a sci-fi hallway without making it feel too cluttered.
Be sure to put your name on it, and maybe show of the concept side by side just to show how nicely it follows the reference etc.
Good work!
Compare your current one to the concept and look at the walls. I think you should try and match the amount of light on the walls. It's just looking too dark I think, considering its a high-tech buidling. I'd expect their lighting to be better.
Hope that helps.
also, on the concepts yellows are warmer which creates nice contrast to the cold lighting.
Also, the back hallway stair with the blue lighting, I wish the back wall behind that was bluer, and some bluer fog.
maybe try cooling the ambient lights/glow to match the color of the hanging lights. but it's reeeaaaally close, so just a little nudge should nail it. i'm just looking at the more neutral areas for my comparison, btw... as in the "white" top panel on the closest corner. yours is a bit yellow, and the concept's is a bit more desaturated and slightly more blue.
keep it up! it's always the last 10% that takes 90% of the time, right?
I love seeing each artist's take on this concept, a cool piece to play around with for sure
Looking forward to more updates!
@ZacD: what about the reflections bug you? Too clear or something else?
@eazy: man you are right, that last 10% lasts forever. Going to be worth it in the end though.