I wanted some brand new art for my portfolio, so I have taken everything down and I am gonna start again

I have started sculpting this body over zbrush's own superaverageman. A mistake as its not so nice to sculpt on. But I will retopo it after anyway.
I am not sure where I want to go with it; I will do paint overs after I have the body done.. because I wanted to show the body on the portfolio too

crits are greatly apreciated

You said you didnt know where you were gonig with it, it would be a shame to cover this nice sculpt in some clunky armor.
Haha, yeah pretty much. I'd been looking at this while sculpting, amazing sculpts. I will probably detail him a bit before I start any other clothes or anything. Really want to make this as good as i can.
Thanks ThePolyZombie and papagersi
(mainly the knee and the arm pit area)
Thanks for the crits... motivated me to do more lol. Heres what I did:
Gonna do some paint overs, and see what I like.
JFeezy! Thanks for the comment
Really cant think of anything I want to do with this character... preferablly something that shows a bit of skin. So far, I have come up with this Heissenburg inspired character (Breaking bad). But as I said.. really not sure?
I wanted to draw more before I posted, but i'm blank...
another update:
crits appreciated
Keep at it!
i really want to try get as much done of this before next week... here is another paintover of where I am headed:
thanks for the comments everyone.
does anyone think body hair is worth doing in alpha planes? or should I just put it in the texture?
Here's a further update, I couldnt use the subdivision above this very efficiently for the detail of the skin, but I did what I could with the one below:
small update, because of uni deadlines. The shoes:
Looking forward to seeing this completed!
I have retopo'ed a lot of stuff and unwrapped it... Still planning to put chest hair on as alpha planes and stuff like that. There are a load of errors I haven't fixed with this normal map, but I will probably re-project when I go to project the textures.
It is currently a 4096x4096px map and just under 11k tris
This is the diffuse and normal so far, with a flat specular applied:
sltrOlsson, thanks! I already have a bow tie sculpted but I am totally working on the sock suspenders. Cool idea. Also, there is a bit of a general story for him, but its open to interpretation.. I will try infuse it more into him and maybe the enviro/pedastal..
heres an update. Havent touched the geometry on the head yet
AS you might have guessed, I stopped working on this for ages, however, over the past few weeks, I decided to finish it off. Here is the finished(?) textures... gotta figure out how to present it properly now
Deffo upload a high res vid when you get the chance.
The hardest part of any project is finishing it, it takes a professional attitude to manage it with a good end result. Well done and I look forward to your next piece! =]
atm, its a 4096 texture, but i should probably 2048 it for the final images
But why did you axe the chicken? It was a good start!
Also the hands look like they may be just a bit too for a man of that age & build.