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raul's envirioment busts

polycounter lvl 11
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raul polycounter lvl 11
I decided that instead of doing full blown out enviroments. To do small "enviroment" pieces on a pedestal. Ive seen a few around here that did that, so that encouraged my idea a bit more. The main goal is to get a hands on materials and techniques. Materials meaning, being able to make metal look like metal, wood like wood, so on and so forth. Giving me a chance to get my hands dirty with many things. But enough talk, check out my 1st bust.

A little info, i did the high poly for this a few months ago. Then kinda let it die. Then this weekend decided to just get it over with and make it into a game assets. And no, there are no modular pieces on this. No there are no fancy shaders either. Its all photoshop and marmoset and some patience. The future i will put a little more thought to the modularity side of things. And maybe be brave enough to use Unreal. But for now i want to keep things plain and simple.



  • megalmn2000
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    megalmn2000 polycounter lvl 13
    Looks pretty cool! Reminds me of RAGE. I think my only issue is to know the scaling of the character. If the ladder is good, it's kinda strange to see wood plate that huge.
  • JonathanF
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    JonathanF polycounter lvl 13
    mmmmmm... sexy and yes. VERY rage like! ;)
  • jeremiah_bigley
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    jeremiah_bigley polycounter lvl 15
    dig the rust man! Sexy stuff!
  • Stromberg90
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    Stromberg90 polycounter lvl 11
    Looks sweet, I have to say it's hard at least for me to judge the scale of this, it looks smaller than what it's supposed to do.
    And I think the concrete seams to dark and shiny, makes it look more like metal.
    Oh, and the camera text from toolbag is showing ;)

    Other than that I love it, hope you can knock some more out soon :)
  • Amadreaus
    Really fantastic detailing. If you worked on the specular to really differentiate those material types more, it'd just sing.
  • wasabi
    nice texture work....... love it!!!
  • raul
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    raul polycounter lvl 11
    Thank you all for the coments! :)

    Started a few new pieces, will upload more presentation shots later on. But for now ill leave you with this.


    This time around im trying to use the unreal engine, to create some kinda abandonded hallway. My goal is to get comfortable with the engine and get stuff in there pimpin
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 17
    Love those hand painted textures! That sofa is so stylized!

    Congrats, and keep on kicking ass! Good luck Raul.
  • hugo2k1
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    hugo2k1 polycounter lvl 10
    hey raul, awesome stuff, subscribed to the thread :D
  • mLichy
    Yeah, very nice textures :)
  • raul
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    raul polycounter lvl 11
    HP + mLichy - Thank you! I go in a trace when i texture :)..

    HP - yeah, man i found a bunch of reference before starting modeling stuff. When i saw that couch, i dunno, the modeler kid inside of me just itch to play with it!

    hugo - thanx!

    Alright, so my last post was pretty brief. I felt kinda lame about it, explain a bit more what im trying to accomplish a bit more in depth. They say pictures speak for themselves so here is a compilation of my main reference. Should give you an idea of what i wanna do with the hallway.


    So the room at its current state :

    A shot of the props i have modeled and imported into udk so far. And if someone would tell me how to make the wireframe show on top of the shaded model i would love you forever. As i wanna show that as well.

    The other thing i wanted to point out, and maybe get some tips on. Is that i am currently using Modo. It seems that from Modo to UDK using the .ase plugin you have to save stuff with a smoothing group of 89. Which is confusing to me as im used to always using one smoothing group. So the work aroound acording to ben apuna's tutorial is to detach the meshes before export and that seemed to have fixed things for me.

    Most importantly, i wanted to say thanx to Jeremiah_Bigley for sending me his awesome master shader and some other bunch of video tutorials for shaders. JJ, you rule!


    some textures

    some of the sculpts
  • SaferDan
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    SaferDan polycounter lvl 14
    Every thing about this is amazing but damn your textures are so so good! I look forward to more!
  • ajr2764
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    ajr2764 polycounter lvl 10
    Always been a fan of your work glad to see some new stuff. The textures and sculpts are very well done. I'm curious to see what the low poly for those walls look like. Keep up the good work.
  • j_ryer
    i found this a couple of months back this may answer the wireframe question unless there is a better way that i am not familiar with.

  • jeremiah_bigley
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    jeremiah_bigley polycounter lvl 15
    Aww thanks man :) But credit goes to ryan for teaching me :P

    And Slick stuff man! I love the textures on that couch. I can tell you learned tons when it comes to the texturing side of things.

    Just a couple of things bothering me. The amount of space wasted on the couch texture. Probably could have cut seams along the natural seams in the couch and maximized the texture quality in whatever size you are using. The only other thing was the, what seems to be, the cavity on your wood. You could also probably offset the wood so that it tiles better. So you don't get that seam at the end of every plank.

    In any case... awesome stuff man. Keep up the good work.

    Edit: like this! :D
  • Korrax
    Really like the presentation of ur assets! Very nice and tidy texture work as well.
  • marq4porsche
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    marq4porsche polycounter lvl 9
    Great work, I love the detail you put into your textures.
  • Free_Fall
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    Free_Fall polycounter lvl 8

    Reminds me of the Max payne Hotel level bit :p
  • Stromberg90
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    Stromberg90 polycounter lvl 11
    Free_Fall: Agree, It does look like some of the levels from max payne 2, love that game :)
    Great work raul, a lot of detail in the sculpts that I did not notice at first, good work on that checker material ;)

    Looking forward to see where this ends up, are you planning a big scene or keeping the view you have in your first shot?
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    Such a cool idea. I've been doing a lot of single props lately. This is a great mix of single props and full enviros. Really nice work so far.
  • Snefer
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    Snefer polycounter lvl 17
    Hey, you should just export as -fbx instead and it will work with smoothinggroups from modo. :) Also used to use the .ase exporter :]

    Love the idea of small environments like this :) The walls look really ace sofar! And put some more props in that chairs texture, this is not idtech 5! ;D
  • igi
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    igi polycounter lvl 12
    Awesome sculpts,textures and material definitions!

    Edit:heh snefer alredy mentioned the use of fbx exporter.
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    I'm keeping my eye on this! :)
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    awesome thread Raul!
  • $~kftn
    Good stuff, can't wait for another update.
  • raul
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    raul polycounter lvl 11
    Thank you for all the kind coments. They are very supportive and help me to keep pushing forward. I had to dissapear for a while as i had to take on a little freelance job. But now im back!

    The problem i have is that, if i stop working on something, 2 weeks later i dont remember where i was..lol. So im gonna start by posting a new screenshot of where i stoped.

    So i wanted to jump back on this by simply taking making new previews renders. Properly this time. I also went back and worked on the textures a bit more. My next step is to start creating more content.



    And a quick model i did today, before posting. Just so i dont look like im posting the same stuff 3 times in a row :P

  • spectre1130
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    spectre1130 polycounter lvl 6
    Real good stuff man. I wish I could texture like that but I'm still pretty new to the game.:poly136:
  • Seirei
    Drawing black line on a high poly doesn't count! D:

    Haha no but seriously this is some wicked normal map skill you've got there.
  • dang87
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    dang87 polycounter lvl 12
    THIS IS TERRIBLE! :P May I suggest switching careers to fashion design...lol
    Looking cool, Raul! Is this your house? o__o
  • Ryan Smith
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    Ryan Smith polycounter lvl 11
    Awesome stuff Raul! Glad to see some stuff coming out of you. It's really inspiring.
  • Zelenkov
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    Zelenkov polycounter lvl 9
    I really like this. This whole max payne/rage hallway. can't wait to see which props u'll choose to populate the scene with.
  • paulsvoboda
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    paulsvoboda polycounter lvl 12
    This stuff looks fantastic. Great job on the couch seat, very authentic.
    And that wall is something else! The High Poly, on one hand,is good but isn't all that impressive and doesn't do a great job at specifying the materials, but you've used it in such an effective way and what you've been able to transfer to the low is brilliant. Great example of what high-res modeling for games should be, making high poly's as nothing more than bases for textures (normal and AO) - definitely something I need to learn.

    Only critique I have is to not go so black in some of the textures and let the normals do more of the work than the AO. This is more the case for the couch, as it looks fine unlit but as soon as you start putting lights in you'll start losing the normal map and your props will begin to look a bit muddy and flat.

    Beautiful work so far.
  • mosena
  • velendil
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    velendil polycounter lvl 7
    Really inspiring, watch+
  • myles
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    myles polycounter lvl 14
    These look really fun! Mini-challenge maybe? Ey? ;)
  • raul
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    raul polycounter lvl 11
    Spectre - dont sweat it! We all were there, it just takes time, and a lot of fucking patience and love. ;)

    Dang87, Seirei - thanx guys

    Virtuosic - thanx man! im trying! And btw, thanx for those awesome vfx tutorials. Man..they are too fucking cool!

    Zelenkov - maybe..if i make a max payne version of the dead city! ;)

    paulsvoboda - thanx for the feedback. To be honest, i was waiting for someone to say something about the wall! :) This wall is more of a test, i plan on making a whole set of them, i just havent had time these past days. My goal was to see how much i could push the shapes from the normal on the diffuse. I posted the high, just so people could get an idea where most of the work came from. It looks pretty good, in some part, but chunky on others. Which is what i will fix in the new versions. And the blackness, yeah i agree. Thats just a bad habit i have..lol.

    mosena + velendi- thanx!

    myles - mini challenge? hhmmm...let me finish this guy and we will talk! hehee.

    So the reason i was spending so much time on the textures, is because i wanted to be able to craete objects just using tilable textures. Specially stuff like broken floors, walls etc. Even tho, in the end making a high poly for stuff just looks way better.

    Tonight, i spent some time building a prototype for a tilable, broken piece of floor. Which includes the ceiling, right under it. I test it out, it works like i expected :) Besides the some stretched textures and some facts i think it works pretty well. Will try to build a few more to give the scene more variation.


    And for fun, im posting what things looked like when i started, early this evening. Spent some time cutting stuff out to lessen on the noise created by all the wood supports and such. I still think that there should be a bit more contrast between the bottom of the flor and the ceiling, as it kinda reads as the same mesh at some points.

  • myles
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    myles polycounter lvl 14
    Looks great!
    Is the hole in the ceiling actually going to lead to the roof? If so you could add puddles/ water damage around it. If you are looking to break up the ceiling, I think you should add this sort of trim, it'd sit well with your current style. Also the floor support timbers look a little too tall, but if it was leading to the roof that'd make sense.
  • raul
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    raul polycounter lvl 11
    myles = Thanx, yeah i was thinking of adding adding something like that to the walls. Thanx for the suggestion :) I think what i want to do is just the ceiling will be open and there will be pockets of lights and vegetation coming in, as well as a couple plants and such.

    Well, i went on a short vacation to San Francisco ( so if there are any polycounters wanting to catch lunch or whatever im here till wednesday ) In the mean time, i plan to work on the following when time allows.

  • SimonT
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    SimonT interpolator
    really dig into this thread
  • rockstar6
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    rockstar6 polycounter lvl 11
    looks very nice, really like the atmosphere in the scene. keep up the good work!
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Nice work man, keep it up.
  • raul
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    raul polycounter lvl 11
    Sorry i went mia..again. lol.

    Wanted to give a huge thanx to this community for always been supporting and inspiring. Vets, noobs and inbetweens, always bringing something awesome to the table. I would also wanted to share that this friday marked my 3rd week at Gearbox Software. Man, that place rocks!!! I am pretty excited to be there. Which is more the reason to get off my ass and keep posting work on the side. So i can bring more to skill to our projects, keep growing as an artist, kick ass 10 hours a day, and another 8 at home! Fucking 18 hour days..here i come!

    Because ive been basicly laying low and being a complete lazy ass, i think im gonna start fresh. So would like to start by sharing with all of you what i will be working on the next couple of days. This is a project for a presentation i will be doing at a local college. The instructor ( Russell Smith ) thought it would be cool if this time i made a prop for their class project. I thought it was an awesome idea, since it would give me an opportunity to not only go over the workflow, but also be a part of their project.My goal is to post here so the class can see all my steps. And encourage the to post on the forums.

    So, all i was told is that it was a steam punk project. And if i could model this


    Which then i started by modeling some basic stuff, this evening.

  • jeremiah_bigley
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    jeremiah_bigley polycounter lvl 15
    yay for not being lazy! ;) I really like the choice in content! I was just wondering why you chose to float such a large piece of the object. Referring to those rings on the main scope in the last picture. It probably didn't save you any time because it would have been super easy to model in...

    When you start the lowpoly you are going to have to have it one piece anyways. Would have made more sense to have the grooves floating than such a large part of... the large part. >.>

    Keep it coming man!

    Edit: That is not max! :P
  • JoshC
    You sir, are my inspiration. Love to see more :D
  • LaSalle
    Nice Stuff Raul, you have a good eye for detail and strong sculpting abilities.. keep it up bro!
  • Zelenkov
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    Zelenkov polycounter lvl 9
    nice to see you passing the skills to a new generation :)
  • lincolnhughes
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    lincolnhughes polycounter lvl 10
    everything's looking awesome. One concern i have is the lack of re-use concerning the wall texture. Because it's modeled from a high-poly, and because you put all the faces of the low on a single smoothing group, you get all those super intense gradients going across the normal map trying to compensate for it. Those almost make the normal map unusable just as a tile texture on a flat piece of wall, or on any other modular piece that has a different shape than the original low-poly mesh.

    Overall, Looking great though :)
  • KarlWrang
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    KarlWrang polycounter lvl 6
    This is amazing! Really love the wall pieces :thumbup:
  • lincolnhughes
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    lincolnhughes polycounter lvl 10
    one more thing. I know it's too late to do this, but it would've been nice if the cloth on top of the couch was a separate modular piece that you could snap on top of it. If you had put the cloth in all that wasted uv space, you would've been able to get alot more variation out of the model. Even adding in other shit into that wasted texture space that could've added more variation would've helped , i.e. chunks of foam, a wire model sticking out of it, or a hole decal that you could just project onto certain areas of it or something.
  • RichardS
    Loving it Raul and thanks for being too busy to work on the telescope I am sooo glad to be getting away from those character models for class! hah
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