Hi all! So I finally joined after many months of lurking and salivating at the art and I would like to ask for critiques of my portfolio. Critique the site, critique my work, hell, critique the picture I have uploaded of myself. Thanks in advance!
the video/game trailer is nice, im guessing it was a team project of sorts - so not entirely your work.. meaning it would be nice to see a demo reel that is 100% your stuff
you need more breakdowns and polycounts of different environment pieces, and should also put your best work at the top of the gallery page. by providing breakdowns it'll help show off what part of the level you worked on since most of your gallery is team project stuff
also, in your home page slideshow you have a sculpt that cant be found elsewhere. i usually like to think of those slideshows as a preview to the site and often hope to find whats in there elsewhere with links to higher res/breakdowns etc (just an example)
thats it from me, food for thought. good luck on your site ! : )
I have been postponing working on my reel under the excuse that I want to add the next piece Im working on each time, but the reel is being completed as we speak, write, whatever. And thanks for pointing out the missing sculpt, I could have sworn it was up.
The project in the video was indeed a group project, but I have a hard time showing off what I did. For the project, I did most of the set dressing. We had enough artists to go around, so I moved to using the pieces they made to build the scenes. Any suggestions on how to show that?
If I can find the website I'm referencing I'll link it here so you can see it.
but that is totally your call
@Darkmaster, Until fairly recent, I was doing spec maps completely wrong. Would you mind pointing out the asset you believe to be the worst offender, so I can try and fix it? I mean, I'll go back to all, of course.