I'm currently working on a WW1 trench environment in 3DS Max and need some help with piling up sandbags. I've got the sandbag modelled, but I want to get a realistic stack/pile of sandbags around the trench, reading an old thread on another forum, the advice was to use reactor which I've tried but the sandbags seem to bounce a lot and with only 2 it usually crashes when I've tried to adjust settings.
Anyone got any ideas or techniques for making sandbags look realistically stacked on each other?
thanks for the reply, i've watched some tutorials on the lattice modifier but i can't see how that can be applied to alter the shape, only create a cage effect.
Max also has a new PhysX plugin that can simulate... physics. Anyways, you could create those natural looking sandbag piles. It may be worth it to look into it a bit and there are some tuts on the PhysX plugin too.
thanks for all the replies!
yeah i did that for certain for along the trench, then for the parapet laid them individually to break it up a bit. thanks for the advice!