Hey PC!
This is my newest portfolio piece. Right now I have about 95% guns filling my portfolio, so I decided to create this project to give them all a showcase of sorts.
The idea is to have a bigger scene to throw a bunch of my guns into and to give my portfolio some much needed variation. So far this is an early WIP, but I'd like to know what you think!
The theme I'm aiming for is kind of an abandoned warehouse that has been re-occupied by smugglers/drug lord type thugs. I plan on having a lot of crates laying around, half open and full of shipments of guns and drugs and such with a run down ford ranger being the centerpiece with crates in the bed of it as well.
I want to have the windows broken open with overgrowth and vines growing into the warehouse itself.
Hmm.. After reading all this I really just need to Photoshop a quick mock-up of the damn thing... Anyway! Here is what I have so far.
Here is the bare warehouse corner I'll be fleshing out:

And here is a workbench nearly completed:

And finally my WIP of the ford ranger that'll be in the scene:

As for the guns, some of them are on my portfolio now:
and others are here:
I don't really want the focus of the scene to be the guns alone, but rather the whole scene together with a lot of guns in it :P
Any crits or comments are welcome!
Thanks a ton!
immediately the problems i see are as follows -
-the windows show almost no reaction to that intense light they are leaving on the ground. -there is no sign of underlying supporting architecture like support beams, trusses or rafters, studs, molding, whatever.
-proportion seems off.
-also, I don't ever see a vertical lift door that is directly against a wall like that. is it supposed to roll in? in which case, i'd expect to see tracks or some sort of mechanical lift/rotation system.
Maybe someday I'll come back to finish this off!
Feel free to comment if you'd like!